
Most classes are as per the Pathfinder rule books. Any special notes are below.

Barbarian -

Bard - There are two types of bards. One type is an arcane dabbler with identification from Ministry of Magical Energy.* Characters with Thule background may play psionic bards but will have some drawbacks of Thule nature.

Cleric - Serves a government ministry not a divine entity. Only dwarven clerics can take the artificer domain.*

Druid - Caretaker of tribes superstitious lore and cleric for savage groups of people.*

Fighter -

Monk -

Paladin - Front line government worker with a smidgen of ritual magic.*

Ranger -

Rogue -

Sorcerer - Spontaneous arcane caster. Must have ministry identification except psychic bloodlines.*

Wizard - Powerful arcane caster relying on arcane tomes for spell memorization. Must have ministry identification. Players will have access to ministry tomes which cover most spells excluding necromancy. Players can only read books of levels they are cleared to access. *

* - See magic for special rules.