50 - Breakfast with breaking bones

Morning of day 13

After the exciting nighttime raid the group sneaks back in with the enemy caster wight's body and stashes it in a tent and rest for the night. The group forgoes the sending stone rituals and in the morning they discuss plans while leaving Musharib in a tent to guard the body and shoo away any curious guards.

Party finds that Undril is just turning in for the night so the group goes to look for Captian Salhana who is supervising a detail that is busy cleaning up corpses from the front gate region. The party let her know some of what went down and warn that the enemy caster might have been a former mage of the gauntlet. They move inside to show her the body but are interrupted when Commander Breakbone staggers out of his tent and states "I had a vision that the enemy is at last at the breaking point, every able hand needs to form up and we send these bastards to hell."

The group looks at Salhara and she looks at the group but the Commander is giving her direct orders so she can not just march off and the Bleary eyed Captian Ord Firebeard is soon out and at Breakbone's side. Eddie sees a chance and Suggests that the commander needs to first spend several hours disposing of all the dinosaur corpses around the camp before marching off into the jungle to slay the heart of the evil"

The commander latches onto this new instruction and soon is ordering every able bodied trooper to his side. Like everyone even the guards and orderlies are ordered to accompany him on his urgent mission and the party plans on using the chance to free the prisoners. The execution goes to plan but when Breakbone and his men engage one of the huge rotting corpses outside with axes and torches it stands up and fights back. Eddie in a bit of foresight had actually FORESEEN the real attack was the undead dinosaurs destroying the camp when the army marched away and had not realized it.

The prisoners are full of mages and natives and teh mages are unable to help due to the confiscation of their arcane implements. Lindel goes and liberates them and a few more items from the Commanders tent. Undril and Kylorin dump healing magic into the prisoners to get them all on their feet and a new plan is formed to march to the army's rescue and prove their worth. Eddie scans the future for a way the plan will work sensing its failure and feels a loose thread of fate that he yanks into alignment at the same time as a chorus of dismay spring up outside "It has killed the commander" somehow the commander was the loose thread and pulling that thread back in resulted in the Ankylosaurus crushing the commander killing him instantly.

The party marches the former prisoners outside to help forces fighting the Ankylosaurus only to see another Ankylosaurus is coming down the riverbank and heading for the canoes. Changing strategy the group turns and confronts this threat with teh massed prisoners at their back. Celadon lays down inspiration helping the massed troop but weakness and malnutrition prove to have weakened the soldiers substantially with the exception of a few hardy souls. The group manages to bring down the dino and Eddie sets the creature on fire with his flaming orb before turning their attention to the southern group. Lindal shoots a bolt that ricochets of the thick scaly hide and right into the face of Ord Firebeard making him turn and yell about attacks from the rear. The dinosaur and a few zombie soldiers (including Breakbone whom Ord put down personally) are defeated and the situation is defused. Undril plays up how Breakbone's vision has saved the camp form certain destruction and how she was sent by higher ups to call the soldiers back to the city to help with its defense. Ord digs in talking about breakbone's vision of the heart of evil one day away and someone in the party suggests that the Captain stay at "Camp Breakbone" and search out this heart with a few trusty soldiers while the rest of the forces retreat to the city with the sick and wounded soldiers as well as the former prisoners. Eddie makes a quick forgery of Undrils orders proving that she is the ranking officer and plans are made ot break down camp and move about 40 soldiers back towards Camp Nyanzaru in about a weeks time.

The party meanwhile set off towards VORN hoping to recover the statue and get the reward offered by Prince Wakanga. That evening the Sending stone revealed that the verdant flame did encounter Ras Nsi and fell to betrayal they lost a lot of thier equipment but Dorah has managed to palm the stone and handed it off to "Kitty" who hid it from searching hands.

DAY14. Heavy Rain clearing towards the afternoon. That evening the sending stone revealed that the trickster shrine was as simple as carrying Ungal on their shoulders while the tomb was like really dangerous by comparison. This gave the party pause. The sending stone also revealed that the Verdant flame had lost "Kitty" to traps and were going to teleport out.

DAY15. Journey through sporadic Rain and should approach VORN about early evening.

After traveling two days through the jungle facing snakes that look like vines and armies of ants the group had faced no real problems thanks to Mushirib's guidance. Towards the end the third day of traveling through well travelled woods over many well trodden paths the group was approaching a large clearing.


  • Eddie for "foreseeing" the Ankylosaurus attack and diverting the camp to neutralize the threat without even realizing what he was doing.

  • Celadon for suggesting changing the name of Camp Vengeance to Camp Breakbone to get Ord to fall into line behind Undril's plan.

Experience (challenge based) 375 Individual => 5391 cumalative,

The party had 2 allies [Seraph, Musharib] as well as a squadron of prisoners turned soldiers who were mostly ineffective and got no XP.


    • Lindal managed to loot (2) healing potions (2d4+2) and one greater healing potion (4d4+4) as well as a small bag of coins from the commander's tent