Notable places

Notable Places

Ossington - small hamlet caught in the edges of the elvin woods. Not on most maps.

Hornlake - Capital of Baronesse Fiona's territory. Fiona and much of her retinue died when Ixion and a horde of vargouilles attacked the city. Now under Lothian control.

Three Cities - Three cities in close proximity. The cities are a baronies capitol, a Terino city, and a halfman town. All three cities are under Lothian control after Lothia invaded to stop an invasion of undead and demonic forces.

Brindinford - Capital of Baron Euphermes the Second's territory. Population is 80% Human. Known to be the last address of "Shoomma" mother to the dwarven hero whose corpse was discovered in Glimmerhaum. Now under Lothian control.

New Towne - Capital of Baron Laptier's territory. Population is roughly 2500 people with 80% of that being Halfman. there are 20 city guards and a hundred or so militia members in the city. Items costing up to 3000 gp are usually available.

Village of Wall - A small community consisting of 30 humans and 2 halfmen. The town exists to support a military outpost of a dozen men that defend the wall. Items costing 40 gp or less can be bought but weapons and armor have to be shipped from New Towne.

Serendipity Oaks - A halfman community near Baron Laptier that is home to a high priest of Yondalla. The party sheltered here when Essandri had to be cured after a Vampire attacks in Wall.

Citadel of Ashardalon - former location of the cult of Ashardalon. Religion died out about 200 years ago and the citadel fell into the earth about 10 years back.

Glimmerhaum - Bastion of dwarven kind, now possesed by Halfmen. When the Thule war ended the land was ravenged by magic. The dwarves largely retired from the land of men and migrated far into the new mountain ranges left in the wake of the war. Glimmerhaum is the first of these strongholds to be rediscovered.

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