Vision of stars and a silver sword

A dear sister in Christ and our co-worker in the ministry, Donna Rodriquez, sent the following vision for our interpretation. The vision and its interpretation are given below:


I would like to share this vision with you. I saw the sky all around it appeared dark with just a few stars scattered but very far away. As I continued to watch I saw words as if floating in the air. At first I could not make out the letters but as they came in focus I saw the words justice and judgment(s) and the letters were bright like the light of the moon because it was dark. Then I looked up and saw a silver sword in mid air -- no one was holding it and it appeared to be as if cutting through paper. I saw the paper being cut in half and it looked like small clouds. The Lord will establish justice in the earth and His judgments will purify.


Sister Donna saw a few stars scattered on the sky and that too far away. This means that in the Christian world still there are a few stars shining in the heavenlies. But they are not visible to us in the near vicinity but only at a distance. In the universal Church, the Body of Christ which is scattered all over the world, we can still have fellowship with these few stars through the Holy Spirit.

This vision confirms that the preachers do neglect "justice and judgments" and righteousness these days and harp on grace and love only. The letters were bright like the light of the moon because it was dark. This means that these foundational truths lighten the people of God who are in the dark caused by sins and iniquities. "Clouds and darkness are round about Him: righteousness and judgment are the habitation of His Throne" (Ps.97:2). The habitation of the throne of God are righteousness and judgment and not grace and love. Grace and love form the edifice of the foundation of righteousness and judgment of God. God always operates from the foundation of righteousness and judgment. The Old Covenant of Law was also based on the same foundation.

God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. God sent His son to die for us on the Cross of Calvary because He was righteous and just. The righteousness of God brought judgment on His only Son. Christ committed Himself to Him that judgeth righteously (I Pet.2:23). God the Father judged His son righteously and the Son committed Himself to the act of righteous judgment by the Father. God loved the world because He was righteous and just. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness and of judgment (John 16:8).

Sister Donna saw a silver sword in mid air -- no one was holding it and it appeared to be as if cutting through paper. She saw the paper being cut in half and it looked like small clouds. It is the Word of God tested through our lives like the silver is tested through fire. This Silver Sword is in mid air without being held by any human being. It is not merely preaching the Word but doing it that matters here. We may preach the Word. But if we are doers of the Word, we are justified before God. The Silver Sword shines in mid air. It is not merely the Biblical knowledge but the appropriation of the Word in our lives that brings forth our righteousness to this world.

People of this world should see this Silver Sword which is in mid-air and turn to Christ. Today people of this world see the Word of God in our hands of unrighteousness. This Silver Sword cuts through papers. Papers are symbolical of our learning the Scriptures through our heads and not through the Spirit. It is the Spirit of God and not the letter that quickens us. The small clouds are a forerunner of the ensuing great rains upon our lands. It is the small cloud which is of a man's hand seen by the servant of Elijah when the latter prayed for rain in the land of Israel. We can see such small clouds in our nations if we live the Word of God. Today we cannot find such small clouds in our midst because we only preach the Word of God but do not live it.

- Job Anbalagan