Dream on woman with a vintage car

Our dear sister Donna Rodriquez from the USA emailed her dream to me for my interpretation during April 2005. This dream is in 3 parts. Please read the same prayerfully.

(Though this vision was specific to the nation of USA, its broad revelations are applicable to the body of Christ in any nation)

Our dear sister Donna Rodriquez from the USA emailed her dream to me for my interpretation during April 2005. This dream is in 3 parts. Please read the same prayerfully.


This dream takes place in a place I am not familiar with -- another city or town. The impression I have is that I was visiting. I was standing outside of this house looking at this smart looking car parked in the driveway. It was a vintage car well kept. It was grey or silver with chrome markings and accessories. The letters (make of car) were written in a foreign language because I could not make out the letters. It belonged to the woman I did not recognize who was in town to give a lecture or teach I was not quite sure what. I then entered the house where I was apparently a guest and went into the room I was staying in to get something from my bag. It was a big black bag. The only things that belonged to me were in that bag.


The city or town in this vision represents the nation of the USA. The car is typical of a pastoral ministry and the woman, the owner of this car represents a "foreign" pastor. In the USA, there are many pastors who have come over there from foreign nations who, in due course, have forgotten their original call of God in their ministries and have since settled there for a comfortable living there. Some of them have left their own countries in search of "green pastures" in the USA. This woman was apparently in that town for giving a lecture. These pastors are very good orators and keep their audiences spell-bound. They have the "vintage car" only. They have brought their "vintage car" to the USA for ministry. Their pastoral ministries appear to be attractive in the physical realm. This "vintage car" cannot minister life to the churches that are dying there.

Sister Donna is a prophetic sign here. She was a guest in that town. In fact, the male ministries in the Body of Christ i.e. apostles and prophets are required to minister in the churches of the USA in place of this woman i.e. the female "foreign" ministry. Sister Donna, a prophet in the USA, has something to give or to minister to the people of God in the USA.

The big black bag is typical of a prophetic ministry that exposes false doctrines. The black color does not reflect light. It looks indigenous always. It can be easily spotted when used in the midst of other modern colors. America needs a kind of prophetic ministry that does not reflect the light that emanates from the popular evangelical dais there. It has to be firm and aggressive without compromising the truth of the Word. It should not get diluted in due course after receiving the light from these popular evangelical ministries. If it is a white color, it will reflect the light that emanates from these popular ministries. But it is a contrast black color.

America needs a very big black colored bag as is seen through the prophetic eyes of Sister Donna. Sister Donna says that this bag contained "only the only things that belonged to her". The prophetic ministry needed for the USA should contain only the things required for it. It should be mainly a ministry of warning against divine judgment. It should contain the right doctrines and timely prophetic messages. It should not contain the other doctrines like the prosperity gospel, etc. It should contain only the right doctrines of the Bible and the doctrines preached by their forefathers like Jim Eliot, etc. It should not contain the modern day prophecies that end with "thus saith the Lord thy God".

The woman seen by Sister Donna did not have this "wonderful bag" for ministry. The woman had only a vintage car that attracts the attention of the multitudes but it cannot be used for taking the people of God to their destination very fast. The vintage car is known for its beauty but not for its speed and technology. The people in the USA have to be taught by the "hidden manna" in the big black colored-bag that belonged to Sister Donna. This bag was not in the custody of that woman but in the custody of Sister Donna.


I saw myself sitting on the front porch of this house on a swinging bench with two other people, a young man and his girlfriend. For some reason I panicked and began to swing very fast for a brief moment realizing what I was doing I stopped immediately and apologized recognizing that there were two others on the swing with me. The young man was sitting in the middle and said it was no problem but never looked at me and it was as if he were in some sort of trance. I could see below us as if the house were raised and there were bleachers below us like at ball parks. I looked to my right and there was a young girl standing talking to me and she was rubbing her stomach. I noticed she was pregnant.


"The house" represents the ministries in general in the USA. The prophets (Sister Donna) are positioned on the front porch of this house. But they are relaxing and enjoying on "a swinging bench". Along with them two other people, a young man and his girlfriend, were there. This young man represents the prophetic youth i.e. the young prophets and his girl friend represents the young female ministries in the USA i.e. pastors and teachers. Sister Donna was swinging on this bench without realizing the presence of the other two people who were seated on the same bench. There was no coordination between the prophets (represented by Sister Donna), the young prophets (represented by the young man) and the pastoral ministries (represented by the young pastors and teachers) in the USA.

The young man was reportedly in a "trance". This shows that the young prophets in the USA are believing in some sort of "extraordinary revelations" which are outside the written Word of God. They give all the importance to the revelations outside the Word. This is a very dangerous trend. Paul says, "And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets" (I Cor.14:32). Emotional or any supernatural experiences that they have in the spirit realm should not be contrary to the Word of God. If anyone sees any vision or dream, it has to be checked up with the Word of God and to be judged by others (I Cor.14:29).

The prophets also promote their own ministries without bothering to teach the young prophets and the young pastors. The young prophets also do not recognize the elder prophets. They need to learn from the elder prophets.

The house was raised. This shows that God has raised up this house. God has His abundant grace and unfathomable love for His house in the USA. Sister Donna (who represent the elder prophets) saw bleachers. "Bleachers" are the people occupying open-air seats meant for spectators. In the big churches/evangelical crusades of the USA, the multitudes come there as spectators. They are just below the raised house. This means that the people have not grown in their spiritual lives, to the standards fixed by God. They do not become "ministers of God" but only spectators. God did raise up this house.

It is rather unfortunate that the people who are seated below the house are not available for the prophets to minister to them because these people are not in the house. They are outside the house. Most of the people in the USA do not attend the local churches because they are not taken due care of by their pastors. As such, they attend only the healing or evangelical crusades with the result that the prophets who visit these churches do not have any opportunity to minister to them.

The young girl who was pregnant represents the young pastors who have their own burdens to bear; who have their own denominational churches. They have a great burden to bear. They have more administrative work being thrust on their shoulders by the church leaders. Seldom they perform their postoral functions.

The young girl was speaking to Sister Donna. She was rubbing her stomach against Sister Donna. She wanted to be ministered to by the prophets. The prophets in the USA have to minister to the young pastors in various churches who need the prophetic words for their pastoral ministries.

The fact of pregnancy has another spiritual significance also. The young pastors also carry their spiritual children in their wombs. There are a large number of people to be born again through these pastoral ministries. These pastors need to evangelize the lost souls on the streets. Until and unless they reach these lost souls, these lost souls cannot be born into the Kingdom of God. The prophets have to minister to these young pastors so that the latter is equipped for the evangelical work.


Suddenly we are sitting in the house on the floor, just a handful of people and I finally see this woman who was here to teach. She was dressed very nicely grey fitted tweed suit, scarf, her hair was light brown, short and softly curled about in her fifties. I sat there for moment thinking about this tree I had to go plant in the front yard. I could see myself doing so. Meanwhile this woman started waving her scarf in front of her as if a ritual of hers. I did not feel comfortable there as I saw the people who were there fixed on her and what she was doing. I said loudly "We have to go plant the tree" as I stood up and walked out they followed me. I saw this large beautiful tree in its container and the hole it was to go into was already there. I saw the grass around us so green and plush. I could see us lifting the tree out of its container into the hole. This gave me a sense of purpose and accomplishment. End of dream.


We can see the description of this woman here. According to Sister Donna's dream, this woman was there "to teach". This woman could reach the house where Sister Donna was already sitting along with a handful of people. This woman is in the USA to teach and not to minister. There is a sea of difference between teaching and ministry. Of course, ministry includes teaching also. But this woman is there only to give a lecture or to teach. This woman lives in the USA with all the comforts. She was dressed very nicely grey fitted tweed suit, scarf, her hair was light brown, short and softly curled about in her fifties. The pastors who came from other nations to the USA are in the fifties. It is time for these pastors from other nations to take care of the young ministers in the USA. This woman was seen "waving her scarf in front of her as if a ritual of hers". She has only "ritual of hers". It is time for these pastors who came from other nations to shed their church doctrines and traditions of men and to rightly divide the word of the truth to the young ministers in the USA. Sister Donna was sitting in the house along with a few people there. The woman also arrived there. This shows that the elder prophets in the USA and the pastors who came to the USA from other nations have to join together for a body ministry in the USA for evangelism and revival.

The tree to be planted is symbolical of the infant revival ministry. The vision of the prophets of the USA is to "go plant the tree". Every prophet in the USA wants to plant this tree on his own. Sister Donna said, "We have to go plant the three". The word "we" is very important. All the prophets and all the pastors and ministers of God in the USA including "that woman" have to join together in order to plant the tree of revival there.

- Job Anbalagan