Five prophetic visions seen by a prophetic minister in US

I have received the following message from a prophetic minister in California, USA, during May 2004.

In this message, this dear servant God has narrated her five visions. As led by the Holy Spirit, I have interpreted all these visions. I exhort you to read this message prayerfully.

“Greetings to you and your precious family in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I receive your writings via e-mail, and thank you kindly for including me on your mailing list. I am a minister here in the United States (California) who was called and ordained by God (licensed by man) to share his Truth (according to the Holy Scriptures) with the Church (the body of Christ) and I must tell you, this has been a most difficult and sometimes heartbreaking work, yet I recognized that it is not I but he in me that does the work, as I am only an empty, yielded vessel unto the Lord to be used for His Glory. HIS heart has been given to me for HIS sheep. I say "His Heart" because although I've been a born again believer for over 22 years, I never had a love in this capacity for the sheep (my brothers and sisters) as I do this day, and this love came about through my development of a personal intimate relationship with our Lord. Before I only knew OF him (even being a Christian), but now I KNOW him, and DESIRE to know him MORE! Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (as it is His work through me and nothing I do of myself as I'm nothing without Him), I prepare and send out via e-mail, and website a weekly message for the church for encouragement, edification, and sometimes admonishment. It has been difficult, so very difficult as I love the sheep, I weep for the sheep, especially for those who are being misled by false doctrines and "Wolves in sheep clothing" and my greatest desire is for the sheep to come together into one fold having ONE shepherd, Jesus Christ our Lord and that all divisions, strife, walls of separation would come tumbling down.

(Father I pray that we the church may be ONE, even as you and the Son are ONE). There have been times I've tried to turn away and not care, but my dear brother it has been absolutely impossible as my heart breaks for the church, for the lost, and for the "new" believers who've been left stranded to fend for themselves, causing many to seek (spiritual) meat elsewhere. For this reason, I find it difficult to share the gospel and afterwards go about my way forgetting all about those members of the "body of Christ", but find it NECESSARY to go back to many from time to time to see how they are coming along in spiritual growth. I don't know why it's so embedded in my spirit to do so, but I only understand that for me it would be as if I had children and fed them a healthy meal one day, and the next expected them to go and find food for themselves having no concern of the nourishment and/or growth. Also I feel many who've been called to "shepherd" have yet to fully understand the depths of such in that the shepherd nurtures, cares for, feeds, and SERVES the sheep and not the other way around. If the sheep are not properly fed, they will seek nourishment in another pasture which may lead them to "spiritual decay". Therefore, I have a great love and desire to feed the sheep (as I said this has to be the Lords love through me as this love did not come from me). The Lord had shared with me when I first surrendered to HIS call that it would not be easy, there would be times of great loneliness, being misunderstood, not widely accepted, etc. and there would be many spiritual attacks from the enemy of which I've seen and had it not been for the Lord's strength and precious saints who've continue to lift me up in prayer, I would have collapsed under the weight of it all.

Now, I've shared all this (and forgive me for the length of this e-mail as I had not intended it to be this long) to share with you for the purpose of interpretation several visions I've had. I've had many dreams and visions but will only share a few as these are the most vivid, and quite disturbing to me. While some portions of the visions seem rather clear, there are some that are not to me. I thank you my beloved brother in advance for taking the time to read this very lengthy e-mail and look forward to hearing from you.

(Vision 1) – Two pet cats and a cobra (This one was the most vivid and seem so very real)

I was asleep when I suddenly awoke and walked down the hall to a room in my home. This room was dimly lit, and I strained my eyes to see what was in the room. I have two pet cats at home and both were sitting very still on the floor in front of the sofa. One to the left and the other to the right. I could not understand why they were sitting very still, not moving at all as if they were afraid to move. My eyes strained to look around the room and I saw nothing, but suddenly I saw what they were afraid of. Between the two was a very HUGE cobra snake. I remember that I instantly became concerned over the safety of my two pets, so my first reaction was to attempt to "rescue". My sister then came out of her room and noticed the situation and immediately became fearful for me. She begged me not to attempt to rescue the pets as she was afraid I would get bitten by this huge snake yet I was determined to do so. My sister began to cry, as I looked at the pet to the far left as it was nearest to me. With a flash I darted across the room to this pet and snatched it up and ran with it back to the hallway.

My movement alerted this cobra and it begin to rise and the face of it was like a demon, I remember the eyes were consumed by hatred. It began to watch my every move. I somehow felt that if I remained still it would not know where I was, but the movement would alert it.

My sister was weeping more begging me to leave the other pet there, but I just couldn't do it. I thought I would try again by running as quickly as possible like the first time, and grab the pet and it to would be saved as the other. So, I took off running as fast as possible, grabbed the cat and tossed her into the hallway, but before I could catch my footing the snake (which ran as if it had legs) leaped upon my right leg, the lower half and bit into it with a vengeance.

All I could remember was hearing the wailing cries of my sister, and my refusal to give into this bite. There I laid, the snake refusing to let go and my refusing to give in. I could physically feel (in my dreams) the lower part of my body after this severe pain, becoming numb and I shook to fight against it. I never gave into the bite and the snake did not let go. I then woke up.............


The two pet cats that you saw in the vision represent two types of people of God whom you have to protect from the attack of the Antichrist who is represented by a cobra. The first category of people does not know about the Antichrist and his doctrines. The second category of people knows about him and do not take him very seriously. As a prophet of God, you are able to see clearly the presence of the cobra in the living room. “Your sister” is symbolical of those servants of God who are selfish to some extent and do not want to rescue those people of God who are under the influence of the Antichrist in your nation. They are concerned about their own ministries. During this fight against the Antichrist, you have to pay a price for it. But you have to take your cross and follow Christ Jesus. Please remember that you are not fighting against the Antichrist on your own strength but under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

(Vision 2) – Falling debris

I was in an empty house, when I decided to explore this I walked into this large empty room with pillars. At first things appeared to be calm, but suddenly as I looked upward I noticed the ceiling began to peel, and parts of it began falling. Then the walls did the same and the pillars as well until I was standing there in the midst of all this falling debris. The thing I remember the most was that I was totally unafraid of the debris falling, I had no concern whether debris would fall upon me, the thing that troubled me was the absolute utter loneliness I felt while standing there.... I then woke up!Interpretation:As a prophet of God, you are standing in the midst of those ministries who were called by God but who do not do His perfect will today. The judgment of God is falling on these ministries. But you stand like a rock. Nothing will hurt you. Do not bother about your loneliness because as a prophet of God you cannot agree with those people who do not do the perfect will of God. You have to stand alone against the tide of apostasy in your beloved nation.(Vision 3) -

(Vision 3) - Tornados

(This is one of the MANY dreams I've had about huge whirlwinds or tornados...)

I was standing in the kitchen with my sister talking when suddenly we heard a very loud roaring noise. We looked out the kitchen window and saw this HUGE tunnel of wind coming towards the land. We ran into the bathroom and sat in the bathtub (I don't know why) and we then heard the whirlwind rush pass our home. The noise was horrific. When it was pass our home, we raced outside and noticed that people were going about their daily business as if it were nothing and yet they were be caught up by this wind, homes, businesses destroyed, etc. Yet they appeared to not take the power of this wind seriously. I remember how baffled my sister and I were that they would not take refuge.... I then woke up!Interpretation: The whirlwinds or tornados are symbolical of the ensuing judgments of God on the House of God. Your sister as mentioned earlier represents a group of people of God or servants of God who do not do the perfect will of God. When the judgment of God falls on these people, it passes your sister because of her association with you. As you are safe in your house, so she is also safe. The tornado comes near your house but does not hit you and your sister. Through your prophetic ministry to your sister, you can bring her to the truth of the Word, and can save her from the Antichrist and from the ensuing divine judgment. In your vision, you noticed that many people (other than your sister) whose houses, businesses, etc. were subsequently destroyed were going about their daily businesses. These people do not heed prophetic warnings with the result that the judgment of God devours them ultimately.

(Vision 4) – Park and Picnic

One of the other dreams of whirlwinds was similar but there were two large whirlwinds and not one like the other dream. Again, we watched as it passed by our home touching nothing, but yet everything thing and everyone else in its path was destroyed. Again, the people were going about their daily tasks as if it were some normal occurrence. I remember suddenly I was taken out of the home to a park like area, and I saw old friends and co-workers preparing to have a picnic of some sort. I tried to warn them of the impending danger but no one would listen. I thought to myself how could they not care, the whirlwinds were coming and they would all be swept away.... I then woke up!Interpretation:This vision confirms your earlier vision by repetition. These days, the people of God are supposed to humble themselves before God, to sit in sackcloth and ashes before His altar and to pray for salvation of lost souls. But they do not heed your prophetic warnings but carry on some other work which the Lord does not want them to do. They are spiritually in park-like areas and not on mountain tops. This means that they spend their time and energy in organizing seminars or conferences in comfortable places. They plan evangelism but do not do evangelism. They give long sermons on prayers but do not set an example through their own lives for prayers. The time is coming for the tornado to hit the houses of these ministers.

(Vision 5) – Your personal ministry

I was in my car headed for the market when suddenly I felt led to turn down a street that would pass a church I once attended. When I passed this church I noticed the lot was filled with cars and I thought they must have a guest speaker that evening. I suddenly found myself in the lot. I wondered why since this church had rejected the truth and I didn't understand what I was doing there. I suddenly found myself out of the car and walking into the building. I remember saying to myself "Lord they don't want me here" yet I kept walking and took a seat in the middle section of the building. I looked around and noticed that the lights were dim and all the doors were wide open. I remember thinking also that it was good the doors were open as this meant to me that ALL were invited to come, even those who had no other place to go who were once shunned. Suddenly, the assistant pastor stood up and began saying they had a guest speaker and introduced that speaker as me. I looked around as if he meant the person next to me or someone else, but he said YOU, come and share what the Lord has given. I remember my first thought "oddly" was that I didn't have my bible with me, and I kept thinking how much I need my bible. I got up and began walking and I remember saying "Lord, what am I going to me!" And the words came back "Just open your mouth"..... I remember that the church was still dimly lit, I could barely make out the faces but the only place in that building that had light was the pulpit. The last thing I remember before I woke up was standing in front of my brothers and sisters there and feeling so much love for them. I never spoke a word before I woke up...


This vision reveals what the Lord is going to do through your prophetic ministry. Your car/vehicle means your ministry. God is sending you to those places and churches that had earlier rejected the truth. But the Lord is opening the hearts of His people in these places and churches to listen the truth of Word from you. What you are going to preach to these people is not merely a sermon prepared out of the Bible but a prophetic message meant for a particular church which will proceed from your mouth. This does not mean you should not prepare a sermon when invited by a church. You have to sit at His feet with the Bible in your hand and to get a particular prophetic message from God. These days, we find in many Anglican/Protestant/Catholic churches that on every Sunday the ministers are instructed to preach messages from prearranged sermons or from some selected Bible portions. Similarly, we find that in the Pentecostal and other evangelical churches, the ministers deliver messages mainly on the doctrines of their churches like salvation, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, gifts of the Holy Spirit, tithing, prayers, etc. quoting extensively from the Bible. But the prophetic message which the Lord wants to give through you is a very brief message being given under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

During the New Testament days, many of the apostles and prophets did not have the full Old Testament Bibles with them. But they preached God’s or prophetic messages standing in the streets, or in the prisons. In those days, they did not have any printed books of the Bible at all. They did not have papers to note down Scripture verses from the Hebrew/Aramaic scrolls kept at the synagogues. At best, they could have read these scrolls and remembered some verses. These days, we find a large number of ministers giving beautiful and poetic messages on Sundays or in Seminars, and the audience admire their messages, saying, “It was a very good message”. But the audience goes home without any transformation in their lives. But God wants to give prophetic messages to His people which would transform their lives and would make every member of the Body of Christ as a New Testament minister. A prophetic message will dispel the spiritual darkness in a local church. The pulpit of a prophetic minister is different from the normal church-pulpit. Lastly, you saw yourself standing before your sisters and brethren with love in your heart for them. The driving force behind your ministry is not your oratory but your love for your dear brethren and sisters in the body of Christ.

by Job Anbalagan