

I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron.I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the Lord, Who call you by your name, am the God of Israel” (Is.45:2-3).

There are indeed crooked places in your life. Oh, you have been struggling allthese years to straighten these crooked places on your own but have miserably failed. Despite your best efforts and hard work, you are unable to reach the desired goal in your life, because of these crooked places. The Lord is now going before you and is making these crooked places straight. Doors, which were closed once and for all, would be opened because the Lord Himself is making these crooked places straight by His Right Hand.

There are indeed gates of bronze, which stand in your way all these years, like the Red Sea before the fleeing Israelites. The devil has erected these gates of bronze. In the past, you did try your best to break these gates with the help of your friends and relatives but in vain. You are wondering why these gates of bronze are still before your eyes like the wall of Jericho, despite your earnest prayers. And you have lost all your hopes in God, owing to frustration and despair caused by these gates of bronze. Today, the Lord is going before you and is breaking in pieces these gates of bronze by His Spirit so that you can go ahead and possess the Promised Land in your life.

Are there bars of iron in your life, preventing you from progressing in your life? People around you have placed these iron bars in your business/career so that you are not able to produce the desired results. You have struggled a lot to cut these iron bars. Today, the Lord is going before you and is cutting these bars of iron by His Spirit so that you can achieve the desired goal.

In addition, the Lord will give you “the treasures of darkness”. All these years you have been treading on the path of loneliness, frustration and despair; tears have been your meat due to severe afflictions in your life. But the Lord has kept “treasures” for you, which He has brought out of this darkness. These treasures are His blessings in abundance. He restores seven times all that you have lost in your life when you passed through the valley of darkness.

Out of His secret places, He has brought forth “hidden riches” which nobody else could find or which you have never imagined of. A torrential rain of His blessings, after a few drops of dew of His blessings, will come upon you so that you can fly to greater heights in your life and ministry. The bondage of the devil will be broken. These riches were hidden from you when you were passing through the furnace of afflictions. These hidden riches will be peculiar to you.

By doing the above mighty things for you, the Lord, who calls you by your name, will prove that He is the God of Israel who led the Israelites to the Promised Land.

by Job Anbalagan