Vision about chestnut colored horse

A dear sister in USA sent me e-mail about the following visions he had from the Holy Spirit during the period 3rd to 5th September 2002:“Shortly after I received your letter, I was given a vision from the Lord through the Holy Spirit, but I knew it was not the whole vision the Lord had given me. So I wanted to make sure I was at one with the Lord. I now feel I am. The first vision I received through the power of the Holy Spirit was a large body of water, very calm. Then as I waited on the Lord, He showed me a large sword coming up from the water, a two-edged Sword. The tip of the Sword appeared first and then the rest of it. I knew the water was the living water, and the Sword is the Word of God. Tonight (5th Sept.), I was shown the same vision of the water and the Sword and then the Lord showed me the rest of the vision. I saw a transparent curtain,

which was then torn twain by Jesus, and an angel riding on a chestnut colored horse appeared, brandishing a sword. At first I thought it was the archangel Michael, but it was not; it was the angel Gabriel. Jesus commanded this angel to “go forth” and the angel rode like the wind from the Heaven to the earth.

The angel was riding that horse.”

I know that the curtain I saw is the gate of Heaven being let open. The Sword is the Word of God, and the angel is to bring the Word to us so that we might use the Word to go forth, conquering the land before us. We should also both pray for the churches throughout the world and witness to these churches.”


In addition to what our dear sister has interpreted, I interpret the vision about the chestnut colored horse. The Lord had given a similar vision to another Evangelist in USA i.e. vision about a rainbow. He had also seen a chestnut colored horse about which I interpreted as follows:

The chestnut colored horse is figurative of the five-fold ministry of New Testament. Nobody is riding this horse. This shows that this horse does not represent an individual servant of God’s ministry. It is a body ministry of His servants with oneness of mind. The reddish brown color means that this five-fold ministry is the same type of the New Testament ministry, which turned the world upside down. It is the old wine in a new bottle. It does not have any new color but has the natural color of wooden furniture. The natural color of wooden furniture does not fade away with the passage of time, whereas the artificial color of paint fades away. The five-fold ministry of these servants of God will be very active and strong as a horse. The gates of hell will never prevail against the Church, which is ministered by the five-fold ministry of His servants.

The evangelist did not see any man on the horse. However, this dear sister has seen the angel Gabriel sitting on the horse. Gabriel was the angel who interpreted Daniel’s vision and revealed the prophecy of 70 weeks in the prophetic book of Daniel (Dan.8: 16-27 & 9:21-27) and who announced the good news concerning the birth of Christ and of John (Luke 1:11-22 & 26-38). Gabriel also stands in God’s presence (Luke 1:19). Gabriel is symbolical of the prophecy and of the Gospel. The two important functions of this five-fold ministry are prophecy and propagation of the Gospel. This is the ministry, which is approved of God under the New Testament. It bears the seal of His angel Gabriel who stands in God’s presence.

Regarding the vision of the two-edged Sword, I have already interpreted it as follows, under the caption “the vision of rainbow”:

The giant sword is the two edged sword of the Spirit i.e. the Word of God. The servants of God fight the false prophets and teachers and anti-christs with the two-edged Word of God. While tempting Jesus, the Devil quoted the Word only. But, Jesus defeated the Devil in the wilderness by quoting the Word from its other side. God’s power is going to be poured out on this five-fold ministry in an amazing way from the Heaven.

By Job Anbalagan