Vision about scientists at work in a tower

I was assigned a particular job by some scientists doing research in a laboratory situated in a high tower. I was given to understand that these scientists were Godly saints. The job assigned to me was that I should pick some particular instrument by entering a secret place surreptitiously and should deliver the same to these scientists. I entered the secret place and was searching for that particular instrument. Ultimately, I spotted out that instrument hidden in the earth. I was given to understand that the said instrument consisted of an “important part” i.e. a mouthpiece. I was able to locate the instrument only after hearing some high pitched voice from the place in which the instrument was hidden. Then I immediately plucked the mouthpiece and fled that secret place. Thereafter I reached the high tower and handed over the same to the scientists. After delivering it to them, I was in the grip of fear thinking that the “enemy” could take revenge upon me. I heard the voice of the Lord comforting me and casting out all my fears about the enemy. The Lord assured me that the enemy’s servants would not lay their hands on me even when I would pass by their side. At that time I was made to understand that the enemy had sent out his servants in search of me. When I was on the way to my place, I saw a black-complexioned man roam about here and there. Though he passed by my side, he could not recognize me as assured by the Lord. At last, I reached a place which was inaccessible to the enemy and his servants.


Scientists are symbolical of the servants of God who present the right doctrines to the Body of Christ after gathering them like honeybees from different flowers. These servants of God have reached higher spiritual experiences in the Body of Christ. They are Christ-minded and have a vision for the universal Body of Christ. The prophets are required to help these servants of God by getting the right interpretations of the hidden treasures in the Word of God. The prophets have to go in search of “mouthpieces of these instruments” which are hidden in the Word of God. They have to pay a heavy price for reaching out these mouthpieces. These mouthpieces speak the mysteries of Christ and His Church as revealed from the Bible. The prophets face peculiar experiences in their lives to get at these mouthpieces. They hear “high pitched voice” – confirmations in the Body of Christ about such revelations. They do not give their own revelations. It is a high pitched voice through the other apostles and prophets in the Body of Christ.

When the prophets face afflictions in their lives, the Lord does comfort them. The black complexioned man is likened to Satan. The Devil attacks them through the same people whom they serve. The Devil makes use of the other Christian believers to attack the ministry of a prophet. The Devil employs his servants i.e. antichrists and false prophets to hound these prophets. But the Lord saves them because they are secure under His wings. The prophets after giving the mouthpieces i.e. revelations from the Word to the elders in the Body of Christ are protected by the Lord as they are inaccessible to the Devil and his servants.

by Job Anbalagan