
If Apostle Paul were to preach in our churches today....

In the 3rd Chapter of I Thessalonians, we find that Paul was worried about the church of Thessalonians when he came to know that they were passing through much afflictions. He feared that they might backslide due to trials and tribulations or might succumb to the temptations of the Devil, the tempter. In his epistle, he edified their faith by reminding them that they should not be moved by such afflictions because "we are appointed thereunto"(Vs.3). He reminded them, "when we were with you, we told you before that we should suffer tribulation; even as it came to pass..."

While preaching the gospel to Thessalonians, Paul did not promise a life of comfort and ease to them. He told them in unambiguous terms that they had to suffer much afflictions for the sake of the gospel. Nowadays, preachers while preaching the glorious gospel hesitate to tell the audience about the afflictions that they have to endure because, according to these preachers, the audience may not accept the gospel if a mention is made about the afflictions. The gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation. It is the power of God and not the oratory that saves the people. We should exhort the audience to bear their crosses, deny themselves and follow Christ.

Many years ago, I watched a T.V. Evangelist in the USA preach a message of "prosperity" to his sheep. He quoted Jesus' words in Luke 4:18: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor...". This preacher replaced the word "gospel" with the word "prosperity" and preached that prosperity should be preached to the poor so that the poor may become rich. See how the gospel is diluted! Hundreds of people in the audience raised their hands in joy and shouted.

Evangelists mainly preach on healing and miracles and not on cross-bearing and discipleship. The apostles during the New Testament period preached the gospel to the people with the result that the sick and the demon-possessed were delivered. They did not focus on healing and miracle ministries. But, miracles and signs followed them. They did not follow miracles and signs.

Paul did not rest in his couch when he heard about the afflictions of Thessalonians. Neither did he rest in the couch after giving a message of comfort through his epistles. In addition, he deputed Timothy, "Our brother, and minister of God, and our fellow labourer in the gospel of Christ", to establish them and to comfort them concerning their faith. Timothy visited them and brought good tidings of their faith to Paul. After receipt of the report of Timothy, Paul and his team were comforted.

If Paul were to visit our churches today for giving messages, he would not give long sermons to our congregations and would not lead them in long worship services on Sundays. According to the modern day, ministry means giving messages, conducting worship services, extracting tithes and offerings, and praying for the sick in their churches. But, according to Paul, ministry means taking care of the sheep, ministering to the poor saints and widows and edifying the faith of the weak sheep during their trials and tribulations.

If Paul were to visit our churches today, he would hardly find these ministers establish their sheep in their faith when the latter have passed through afflictions. Paul would be surprised to see the pastors who are mostly concerned about the coffers of their churches. He would not tolerate the tendency of these pastors that condemn their sheep from pulpits instead of praying for them and teaching them with tears.

- Job Anbalagan