Preparing the way for the Antichrist


Please note that whatever you build on this earth promoting your own ministry is of the fallen Babylonian kingdom. The spirit of the Antichrist who is already in this world promotes the Babylonian kingdom through his emissary, the false prophet. When he will be manifested, such a manifestation will take place through the fallen Babylonian kingdom only. Many saints of God who were entrusted by God with evangelical ministries of great power have been brought down from the heavenlies where they were seated with Christ. They continue with the same ministries of great power even after their fall. God is still using them for winning the multitudes for His Kingdom.

You may read my messages on the Antichrist and the false prophet at

There was an evangelist used of God mightily in winning multitudes for Christ Jesus. Many years ago, God called him home. I still love this dear servant of God because he had a heart to serve Him. I did minister to him about 20 years ago. He also loved me very much. God had enabled him to start a prayer ministry in a humble manner in a metropolitan town by establishing a prayer tower. Afterwards, he functioned in a stereo-type manner establishing many prayer towers in many cities in India and even abroad at huge costs. Such prayer towers helped assemble the prayer warriors to intercede for others and God did perform signs and miracles through such prayer ministries because of the burden of the prayer warriors who had spent their precious time in praying for others. After his home call, his son took over the ministry. Whenever I read his magazine, I used to come across the wonderful testimonies of people who have been saved/blessed through his multi-faceted ministry though he promoted his own ministry through the various buildings constructed by him at huge costs.

Recently, the Holy Spirit brought my attention to a recent issue of his magazine which fell into my hands by His providence. The son of this evangelist exhorted the people of God to contribute to his building projects for erecting a prayer tower in Jerusalem and for building a Hall of prophets in a land acquired by his organization in the prime locality of the metropolitan city at a very huge cost. He said, “Build God’s house, God will build your house”. Can we build the God’s house with men’s hands under the New Covenant? This means that any person who donates his money towards his building project is considered to be building the God’s house on this earth. He sought the offerings of the children of God for building “Jerusalem Prayer Tower which would prepare the world for His Second Coming”. Many years ago, some servants of God were misleading the children of God in Tamil Nadu promising God’s blessings upon them through visits to the “holy land”. I had opposed their doctrines tooth and nail but in vain. I published an article through my internet ministries under the topic “False doctrine of visit to the Holy Land at

This evangelist further wrote, “The Lord spoke, “Last year I took you to the city of Jerusalem along with the officials of your ministry. Did I not show you a building that time? You must establish the Prayer Tower in that building which is situated at the centre of Jerusalem. You must also train prayer warriors who would prepare the people for My Second Coming and announce it prophetically from the Prayer Tower…” According to him, “the owner of the building has quoted a very heavy prize for that. This building is very close to the house of David as well as the Upper Rom where the disciples received the Holy Spirit…..It will be a prophetic tower. Saints of God shall keep prophesying from that place (Rev.5:8, 8:3). Then you shall see the signs of the Second Coming of the Lord appearing all over the world and in Jerusalem…..We are establishing the Prayer Tower to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Ps.122:6). Then there shall be peace, prosperity and health in your home. ……Then the Lord shall reveal the power in every country. He shall again bring His healing and prophetic power in the lives of millions of people…..”

This is a great deception about which the Holy Spirit is warning us. He has twisted the words of Jesus Christ in the gospel about His Second Coming just to exhort the people of God to give sacrificially to his building project in Jerusalem. He has exalted his “molten calf” and presented the same as an historical event of the Bible Prophecy about His Second Coming. He gave an impression to the whole world that the molten calf that would emerge from the sacrificial offerings of the children of God would hasten the Second Coming of Jesus Christ through the prayers of the saints who would assemble themselves for prayers in that particular building. What a great deception! According to him, if the prayer warriors to be chosen and appointed by him did not pray and prophesy from that particular prayer tower, the Second Coming of the Lord would not take place. According to him, establishment of the Prayer Tower in Jerusalem in the close vicinity of the house of David and of the Upper Room where the disciples of the Lord had received the Holy Spirit would be a prophetic event that would herald the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. He says, “Then you shall see the signs of the Second Coming of the Lord….” According to him, the Lord spoke to him and showed him that particular place.

LET US TAKE THE MEASURING ROD AND TEST HIS STATEMENT WITH THE SCRIPTURES CONCERNING THE SECOND COMING. You will definitely agree with me that it is not the Holy Spirit but the spirit of the Antichrist who had spoken to that dear servant of God. God has not promised in His word that an earthly structure would be raised in the heart of Jerusalem for preparing the people for the Second Coming of the Lord. According to Him, upon establishment of the prophetic tower in Jerusalem, through the prayers of the saints, the Lord shall reveal His power in every country and He shall again bring His healing and prophetic power in the lives of million of people.

“If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book; And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” (Rev.22:18-19) We should be very careful in interpreting His Word of Prophecy in the Bible. If any person adds anything to His word of prophecy or takes away from the words of the book of the prophecy, God will add unto him/her the plagues written in this book, will take away his/her part out of the book of life, and of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

He was not going to build a simple prayer tower to gather the prayer warriors to intercede for others. He was going to build a tower of Babel for the manifestation of the Antichrist. The children of God who were going to donate to his building project in Jerusalem cannot escape the judgment of God upon the fallen Babylonian kingdom.

Let them who have the ears take heed to the warning of the Holy Spirit in these last days. Let us flee all these molten calves and idols in the house of God and keep ourselves pure from the pollution of such ministries in these last days. If we sacrifice before such molten calves and idols, God will judge us. Are you for the Kingdom of Christ or for the fallen Babylonian kingdom which stands judged by God? Let us pray for these ministers of God with a great burden and warn them.

- Job Anbalagan