<教學文章> Google It

Post date: Jun 10, 2012 9:07:47 AM

The word “google” has many uses. It is an adjective, used to describe very large numbers. It is also a proper noun. “Google” is the name of a popular Internet search engine. It also has a new meaning.

The writers of a new edition of a dictionary have used it as a verb. They list "google" as a verb. It means to search the Internet. This makes terms like "google me" part of the English language. A person could say "I wanted to know more about volcanoes so I googled it." "Google" is now an official part of the English language. The dictionary's editors say that this just means that the public has adopted the term.

"Google" is one of 100 new words that were included in the new dictionary. Many other words are based on technology. "Mouse potato" is someone who spends a lot of time in front of a computer. "Ringtone" is the sound of a cell phone ringing. Many new technology words have become common. We use them every day and don’t even think about them.


More Information

Google began in January 1996 as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin when they were both PhD students at Stanford University in California. While conventional search engines ranked results by counting how many times the search terms appeared on the page, the two theorized about a better system that analyzed the relationships between websites. They called this new technology PageRank, where a website's relevance was determined by the number of pages, and the importance of those pages, that linked back to the original site.

It has been estimated that Google runs over one million servers in data centers around the world, and processes over one billion search requests and about twenty-four petabytes of user-generated data every day. Google's rapid growth since its incorporation has triggered a chain of products, acquisitions, and partnerships beyond the company's core web search engine.