<Fresh Speaker> The key to success? Grit!

Post date: Nov 25, 2013 1:40:46 PM

Fresh Speaker 英語演講分享會

Topic: The key to success? Grit!

Who is here to say out loud I am a successful person? Probably the majority of us incline to shake your heads instead of nodding your heads. How come? Is it because you haven’t accomplished something grand and proud? Or is it because the figures in your bank account are not adequate to meet your wish yet? What if doing well in school and in life depends much more than your ability to learn quickly and easily? We have one thing we can apply to define the success: grit. Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals and you work very hard to make the future a reality.

有誰可以大聲說出自己是一個成功的人呢? 多數的我們應該都傾向於自己並非已獲成功之成就。為什麼呢?是因為自己還沒有完成一件偉大和讓人驕傲的大業嗎? 還是因為自己的銀行存款還不夠和滿意呢? 如果,學業和事業上的成績導因,其實有更多的不僅僅只是你學得會和容易學得呢?有一樣準則可以用來定義自身的成功,那就是膽量。這膽量是一種對於有遠見目標的熱忱和堅持不懈,讓自身的努力付出將未來的理想轉換為具體的事實。