1-2 Birthday Cnadles 2

A. 單元: Wow Fresh Book1 U2

B. 故事名稱: Birthday Candles

C. 活動名稱:It's my turn (輪到我了)

D. 教學目標:認識數字one ~ten 並會說出自己的年齡

E. 教學前準備:

1. one ~ nine 字卡

2. 3個蛋糕圖卡,一個蛋糕上面有3根蠟燭,一個有6根,一個有9根


F: 活動指示

1. warm up :請全班坐下,找一個幸運的數字,從第一位小朋友開始往下一位小朋友數,數到那位幸運數字的小朋友

就可以得到飛吻一個喔!1~10 數完之後又從1開始數,重點要請所有的小朋友一起數喔 ~

2. present : 拿出三個蛋糕的圖卡,介紹第一個蛋糕! Look! One, two, three. Three candles on the cake. I am three.


介紹第二個蛋糕! Look! Four, five, six. Six candles on the cake. I am six.


介紹第三個蛋糕! Look! Seven, eight, nine. Nine candles on the cake. I am nine.


3. drills : (1) 老師說 隨機選一個蛋糕說 Look! One, two, three. Three candles on the cake. I am three.

Look! Four, five, six. Six candles on the cake. I am six.

Look! Seven, eight, nine. Nine candles on the cake. I am nine.

請知道答案的小朋友出來找出正確的蛋糕 ,要讓每位小朋友都有機會出來找出正確的蛋糕喔

(2) 小朋友對Look! One, two, three. Three candles on the cake. I am three.

Look! Four, five, six. Six candles on the cake. I am six.

Look! Seven, eight, nine. Nine candles on the cake. I am nine. 比較熟的時候,就可以播放CD

將小朋友分成三組,每一組負責一塊蛋糕,唱到那塊蛋糕的小朋友要站起來 ,其他小朋友要拍手喔!

三組都唱完之後 還有時間就可以交換蛋糕,可以多一次練習機會

4. review :請全部小朋友跟著CD唱一次之後就可以下課了