1-3 How Is the Weather 1

A. 單元: Wow Fresh Book1 U3

B. 故事名稱: How Is the Weather

C. 活動名稱:It is my turn. ( 輪到我了 )

D. 教學目標:複習天氣說法

E. 教學前準備:

1. 一套sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, hot, cold字


3. sunny, rainy, cloudy 小卡數張 (以小朋友數量為主)

F: 活動指示

1. warm up : 將太陽眼鏡,雨傘,風箏,棒球,扇子,外套圖片的字卡放在白板上,介紹英文說法

2. present : 1. 將 sunny字卡拿在手上,請老師引導小朋友問 How is the weather?

老師再將字卡show給小朋友看,並請小朋友跟著說 It is sunny. It is a sunny day.

2. 將 cloudy字卡拿在手上,請老師引導小朋友問 How is the weather?

老師再將字卡show給小朋友看,並請小朋友跟著說 It is cloudy. It is a cloudy day.

3. 將 rainy字卡拿在手上,請老師引導小朋友問 How is the weather?

老師再將字卡show給小朋友看,並請小朋友跟著說 It is rainy. It is a rainy day.

3. drills : 小朋友都會唸It is sunny. It is a sunny day.It is cloudy. It is a cloudy day.It is rainy. It is a rainy day.

請老師將小張的天氣字卡分給小朋友! 老師拿出sunny字卡,手上有跟老師一樣字卡的小朋友要站起來喔!

並引導小朋友說 It is sunny. It is a sunny day. cloudy, rainy一樣做一次!之後就可以播放CD先讓小朋友

聽一次!第二次的時候,小朋友要跟著唱,唱到 It is sunny. It is a sunny day.手上有sunny字卡的小朋友要

站起來喔!! 每位小朋友都有機會站起來說! 有時間還可以請小朋友交換字卡~多次練習機會

4. review : 請小朋友起立跟著音樂擺動身體,音樂結束就可以下課了