Pure Contour Drawing

Artist Statement:

The subject of this drawing is a hand holding a rubber band. I have not added a setting yet because I have not thought of something that would make sense with it. I made this by sketching my hand with a H pencil. After this, I refined the lines and went over them with a .05 pen. To show dimension I used three different pens to make the closer lines thicker. Once I was satisfied with this I decided to color the rubber band so that it would pop out. I used two different pencils. (Purple and Grey.) I choose to draw this particular hand position because it looked challenging. I used line to show shape, form, value, and space. I used color to show texture and lighting. Aside from this, I used color to emphasize the rubber band because it is what makes the piece interesting. I also used thick lines in shadowy areas to contrast the lighter sections. The even black lines give this piece unity too. This piece started out as a pencil sketch. Next a pen outline. After that I used thicker lines to show depth and shadows. Lastly I colored in the rubber band.

While I was making it, I was thinking of the idea of it being the hand of a bored kid playing with a rubber band. I think this relates to my life because this was really good practice and it showed me how much I improved over the summer when I was working on improving my hand drawing. I think drawing hands is a very important thing to be able to do. I think I messed up the angle in the wrist. I should've made the angle more prominent on the bottom or the top of the wrist. I wish I made the second finger less flat on the top. I wish I had not thickened the lines inside the hand this much. I might go back in and thicken the lines for the thumb and second finger.