Sustained Investigation #9

Stuck, sitting in the past


8.5" X 11" or 12.5" X 15" 400 dpi

Untitled-Artwork (3).mp4

The concept behind this artwork is that the girl in the picture is visiting her old room, and she is just stuck in the memories surrounding her. This relates to my life because I based this off of my favorite museum I've ever visited (Museo Pablo Fierro in Chile). In contrast to every museum I've ever been to, it's displaying relatively recent history, and it does so such that you are surrounded by it. The walls are covered with notes from every visitor that has ever come; the desks are piled will old toys; old photos covered boards. The memories enshrined in the building were palpable, and I wanted to capture that specific feeling of nostalgia and beautiful clutter.

I made this primarily on my ipad with procreate. Then, I printed it out, and I added polaroid photos on top with string.

This drawing was my third attempt because I kept focusing on the character and ignoring the environment. As soon as I started out just drawing the environment, I realized how much fun I could have giving life to it. To build the framework of the room, I found photos of my favorite sections of the museum, and I wrote down the sections I thought worked the best within the composition. When it came time to fill up the space, I tried to look around my house and especially my room to see what kind of clutter to draw. It began to come together when I started to make the items overlap. My favorite two aspects of the drawing is the rube goldberg machine and the notes on the wall. The lighting creates emphasis, and the room's depth is created with value. Going forward I'd like to print it out again, incorporate the photos better, and scan it to get a better quality picture.