Sustained Investigation #15
8" x 8"
The main idea that guided this artwork is that I wanted to continue to experiment with the idea of connection and how it relates to technology. I was on a walk with my siblings, and somehow the conversation turned to the colors of shiny blue wasps. They have a sleek aesthetic, and beautiful, oil-spill colors, but there is an ingrained sense of fear from looking at them. I wanted to incorporate this into my next sustained investigation. Using those concepts, I expanded them, putting it all together into a finished piece.
I made this using procreate. I began with my standard brush, that I altered to fit my drawing style. Next, I used a glitch brush which pushed the colors, as well as bringing the lighter details out. Finally, I used various layers to make the saturation much higher, as well as adding more effects.
Throughout the process of creating this, I revised my concept, adding additional colors from step 1 to step 2. From step 2 to step 3, I use effects to bring out the changes.