Concentration #3

The subject of my sculpture is global warming. It shows the raising levels of water, things being pumped into the ocean by large buildings (representing corporations), smog coming from on of the buildings, trash in the water, and polar bears on top of the buildings trying to escape the rising waters. I made this using the 3D design program Meshmixer. Then, I printed it using a converted file. After that, I painted the polar bears with white acrylic paint to make them stand out. I used texture and form to create the sculpture. I used space and I used balance. I used color to create contrast. I used pattern and texture in the water.

I used formal balance. I used selective focus on specific pieces of the sculpture to emphasise the specific aspect of my drawing. My drawing started out as an Idea. Then, I tried out a couple ideas in Meshmixer. After that, I built the structure using a sphere and several rectangular prisms. After that, I added waves and similar other things. Then, I printed things out, and I painted it.

The meaning behind this artwork is that corporations are hurting the environment. It shows the raising levels of water, things being pumped into the ocean by large buildings (representing corporations), smog coming from on of the buildings, trash in the water, and polar bears on top of the buildings trying to escape the rising waters. My project relates to my life because I want to be able to design things and print them out in a 3D printer, as I am really interested in technology and art. There are several things that I wish I did to make it better:

  • Painted the polar bears more carefully
  • Made the waves more uniform
  • Made the set of two pumps as realistic as the set of one pump
  • Made something that would distinguish between the smog and the tower
  • Preserved the details of the polar bears
  • Added more color