
The prompt for this project was to create a sculpture out of paper which represents a word I chose that represents the first semester. The word I originally chose was falling. I decided to create a sculpture of the ledge at a camp I used to go to which I jumped off of every year. I made this screen by creating a box made out of paper. I filled the box with differently sized rolls of paper. In order to show the difference between the cliff and the water, I added a couple blue and green rolls. But, somebody knocked the sculpture around, so many of the carefully placed rolls came out. Originally, I was upset, but when we went around the room and people listed what the emotion they thought it was supposed to convey, they were very much on the mark. One person even got the term falling. Others listed "chaotic" or "lost". Normally, I have a challenging time portraying emotions in my artwork, so I was glad my meaning came across so clearly. I used the form of the rolled paper to show the form and texture of the structure breaking apart. I tried to create an effective use of space by making my sculpture large in all dimensions. I used color to create contrast and interest. The toppled rolls showed movement. The uniform shapes gave the piece rhythm.

I used informal balance when I was designing this piece. I originally intended to create a face. Then my idea changed to be a landscape. Then, it became a crumpling, chaotic landscape which is falling apart. I do not have much experience with three dimensional mediums such as this. I was overall relatively content with the final result, and I like how I created a boarder (the box) only to break it by leaving some of the paper outside of it. I would like to improve on:

  • My use of space
  • My use of color
  • I would like to use glue or something so my future sculptures do not break
  • The concept