How do I renew my lease?

FAQ > Resident Experience

Here is the timeline for the Lease Renewal Process:

  • 90 Days Out from Lease Expiration Date: Send "Renewal Intention Form" to Resident via email / mail. (see below)

  • 90-60 Days Out: Residents fill out a Resident Property Review Form as part of the Renewal Checklist.

  • 60 Days Out: Call and follow up with Residents, as needed, to confirm renewal intent if they have not submitted Renewal Intention Form. If applicable, a member of the RPM will conduct a Renewal Inspection.

  • 60-45 Days Out: Confirm renewal or non-renewal terms and complete Renewal Inspections.

  • 45 Days Out: If Applicable, send Lease Renewal for Signature. If renewing, new Lease MUST be signed 30 or more days prior to Lease Expiration.

  • 30 Days Out from Lease Expiration: We will begin marketing the home For Rent 30 days prior to Lease Expiration if have we not received an executed Lease Renewal or confirmed change from Lease to Month to Month.


  • Does the Property Owner ultimately decide if I can renew my lease or not? Yes, RPM is the Agent for the Owner and the Owner may decide to not renew leases at their discretion. Learn more here: How does RPM handle Lease Expirations / Renewals?

  • Where do I sign my Lease renewal? If we have already provided you a new lease and are looking to sign, please login to and follow the directions.

  • Why does the Renewal end in June or July and a non-standard timeframe (not at the end of a lease month)? i.e Why does it expire on June 28 instead of the end of the month? We are working to direct leases for all tenancies to end in the summer. This is for convenience to both the tenant and our company, as often housing is more readily available in the summer for those individuals who decide to vacate at the end of a lease. Additionally, the Lease may expire a few days prior to the end of the month because it is preferential to schedule Move Out Dates on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays so that we can receive the keys and perform the Move Out Inspection within one business day.

  • What do I do if I have not received the "Renewal Intention Form"? If you have not been contacted regarding your lease renewal and your lease expires within the next 30 days, please fill out the below form and contact us at and we will contact you regarding the status of your renewal.

  • What do I do if I want to transfer to a different property you manage? Please read "How do I transfer to a different RPM property?" and then submit your intent to vacate on the Renewal Intention Form at

  • What about XYZ? If you are over 90 days out from your lease expiration, but you have questions, feel free to email with your questions or requests.

Renewal Intention Form

RPM Universal RESIDENT PROPERTY Review - Renewal Checklist