Can I cancel / Rescind / REvoke my notice to vacate if I want to stay?
I acknowledge that my request to withdrawal my notice is not automatically approved. If someone is planning to move into the property or the owner has decided to sell, Rentor may not be able to approve my request.
I also acknowledge in my lease contract titled HOLDOVER reads: “If tenant fails to vacate the property at the time this lease ends tenant will pay Landlord rent for the holdover period and indemnify Landlord and prospective tenants for damages, including but not limited to lost rent, lodging expenses, costs of eviction, and attorneys’ fees. Rent for any holdover period will be three (3) times the monthly rent. Calculated on a daily basis, and will be immediately due and payable daily without notice or demand.”
I understand that my request to withdrawal my intent to vacate notice must be approved by Rentor. If the request is approved, Rentor will send me a written confirmation approving my request along with a lease extension. If my request is not approved, I acknowledge that I must vacate the premises on the previously scheduled move out date.
Rentor may have paid to advertise and market the property. I understand that if my request to withdrawal my intent to vacate notice is approved by Rentor, I may be required to reimburse Rentor by paying a fee of $225.
***When you decide on a new moving date, you must submit a new 30 day Intent to Vacate Notice.***