What does the $42 Application Fee / background screening fee cover?

We are committed to serving both our owners, tenants, and prospective tenants fairly and in accordance with California Laws and Regulations. In accordance with CA Civil code 1950.6 and based on the consumer price index in 2012, the maximum application fee allowable is $44.51. According to section b): The amount of the application screening fee shall not be greater than the actual out-of-pocket costs of gathering information concerning the applicant, including, but not limited to, the cost of using a tenant screening service or a consumer credit reporting service, and the reasonable value of time spent by the landlord or his or her agent in obtaining information on the applicant. 

How we use your background screening fee of $42: 

EVEN IF YOU YOUR APPLICATION IS QUALIFIED Rentor does not guarantee that you will be offered the property for which you applied. Multiple applications are accepted for rental properties offered by Rentor. Applications are evaluated in the order that they are completed and ALL documentation has been received including referrals from current and past landlords. Factors which may affect an offer to rent include but are not limited to desired move in date, general qualifications of applicant and owner preferences regarding pets. 

QUALIFIED applicants who are not offered the property for which they applied may transfer their application to another property offered by Rentor.com for one year at no additional charge.