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Resident Portal
Applicants FAQ
Why rent a #RealHumboldt Home?
How do I see which properties are move in ready?
What does "Available TBD" followed by a month range mean?
How are rentals priced? Who sets the monthly rental rate?
What are your qualifications to rent?
What income sources can I provide to verify that I'm qualified?
How do I apply?
How do I attach documents to my application?
How do I request to pay a "Holding Deposit" to secure the property while m
Is your company Fair Housing compliant?
How do I schedule a showing?
How does the prequalification process work?
What is the best time to apply?
How does the application process work?
What is your policy for pets or emotional support animals or service animal
What does qualified, but not selected mean for my application?
Why is the application process so difficult?
Why won't you call me or text me?
Can you hold a property for me to rent later?
What if I need help to qualify? Will you allow me to have someone co-sign?
How do I apply with a Co-signer?
How do I reschedule my showing?
As a co-signer, what am I responsible for?
What is a Pet Admin Fee?
When can I visit the RPM office?
What if I paid my deposit, but no longer want to move in?
What are my payment options if I'm ready to move in immediately?
Do I have to attend a showing to move forward in the application process?
Is there an application fee?
Is it illegal to pretend to have a Service Animal?
Is it illegal to use someone else's social security number?
What does the background screening fee cover?
Can I provide my own credit report or score?
What would cause me to fail a background check?
How can I dispute the results of my background check?
What is the move-in cost?
How do I transfer utilities prior to move in?
Why was my application rejected?
What type of breed restrictions are there?
Do you work with bad credit situations?
Can I rent without a social security number?
Can you keep my number and call me when “this” type of a home is available?
Can I get a pet after the lease starts?
What if I need to move before my lease expires?
A friend will be living with me for just a little while...
What if I move in and there is a bug problem?
What about maintenance items or damages the day we move in or thereafter?
Do you accept Section 8 Housing vouchers?
Can I provide my own credit report or score?
Would you please destroy all the records you have in my file?
Why do you post ads on Craigslist if it's already rented?
Moving Resource Guide
Why is housing affordability so important to RPM?
How Do I Receive a Copy of My Background Screening Report?
How do I know if you need anything else or any other documents from me for
Can I meet with someone to go over why my application was denied?
Does the background screening you run hurt my credit?
Which utilities are included with the rent?
There was a smell or other maintenance request
Who are the neighbors?
Is crime an issue at the property? Is the neighborhood safe?
Apply Online
All Listings
Section 8
Pet Friendly
Single Family Homes
Multi-Family Homes
Attend a Showing
Pass Background and Credit Check
Sign Your Lease
Pay Rent & Deposit
Move In!
About Us
About RPM
Who is RPM?
What are the RPM Code of Values?
What is the story of our Vision?
What is RPM fighting for?
How do we contribute to our community?
What is RPM's sensitive information and privacy policy?
How can I contact someone at RPM?
What is the RPM Resident Benefits Package?
Why is there no opt-out for RBP?
Do you rent to Corporations (lease under Company Name)?
Move In
How do I pay first month's rent and security deposit?
What is prorated rent?
What is Citizen Home Solutions & What is a Utility Concierge?
Example CHS Security Offering
How do I transfer Utilities into my name?
How do I assume responsibility for water during my lease?
I've signed the Rental Agreement and paid the deposit, but can I move in ea
How do I get mail at my new home?
How can I transfer to a different property you manage?
Can we add or remove someone from our Rental Agreement?
What Happens To Security Deposit When There Is A Partial Notice To Vacate?
Why doesn't my lease last for exactly one year?
I've paid the deposit and signed a Rental Agreement, but can I cancel it?
Do you have recommendations for local movers? How do I.....?
How do I submit my Move In Evaluation / Property Condition Review?
I've just moved in, but now I want to move out, how do I do that?
What does it mean for me if the property I'm renting is "For Sale"?
What is a codebox and how does it work?
Resident Experience
How do I renew my lease?
How do I submit a neighbor complaint?
How do I request a pet?
How do I notify you that I have removed a pet or no longer have a pet?
How do I request approval to move in my ADA Service Animal?
Can I re-schedule an inspection of my unit that I received a notice for?
Who do I speak with regarding a concern within my unit?
Who do I speak with if my Landlord provided yard care is not being done?
Who do I speak with if the Landlord provided garbage is not being picked up
Who do I speak with regarding a violation or compliance notice I received?
What does it mean when I receive a "Notice to Perform Covenant" about house
Who do I speak with regarding a violation or compliance notice I received?
Can I hang stuff on my walls?
What do I do if there is a natural disaster?
Can I do maintenance on my residence and then bill you guys?
What do I do if I'm locked out?
You just started managing the home I live in - what do I do now?
Can I look at all the documents in my Tenant file?
Can I run a daycare in the rental property? Baby Sitting Day Care?
Mold Prevention Tips
Resident Benefits Package
If there is a death on the premises, why do need a Death Certificate?
What is CredHub
Rent & Payments
How do I pay rent?
When will I receive my rent reminder messages?
What should I do if I'm behind on rent?
Can I make a partial payment now and pay the rest off later?
Can I make a payment with a credit card? If I make a payment, can it be can
What is the Rent Collection Calendar & Eviction Process?
How do I access my Online Portal?
How do I update my contact information using my Online Portal?
How do I pay rent with cash?
How do I pay rent at CVS?
Why do I owe more rent money if I just moved in recently?
What does Tenant Liability Insurance cover?
Why did I receive an eviction notice in the mail after I paid my rent?
What is a "3 Day Notice to Pay or Quit" and how should I respond to receivi
Why am I still receiving Rent Collection Reminders if I have a payment plan
Why does my Tenant statement say I owe rent even though I paid my rent?
When exactly does the online payment come out of the bank account?
What is the prevailing residential utility rate?
What are the RPM Maintenance Policies?
My fridge / refrigerator has a problem, what do I do?
How do I submit a maintenance request?
How do I find out the status of my maintenance request?
How do I check my Smoke Detector and Carbon Monoxide detectors?
What do I do if there is a fire?
What do I do if I suspect there is mold?
Can I install a satellite dish?
Can I install security cameras?
How can I help reduce solid waste in Arcata?
Can I fly a U.S. Flag? Can I put a United States of America flag on a flag
Are flushable wipes flushable?
Move Out
How can RPM help if I can't live in my property?
How does the move-out process work?
How do I submit my notice of intent to vacate or notice of non-renewal?
Can I move out even though I'm on a Lease? (Lease Break)
I'm not ready to move out yet, can I extend my move out date?
Can I take back (cancel / rescind) my notice to vacate if I want to stay?
Why did I receive a 30, 60, or 90 day notice to vacate?
How do I turn in keys on the day of my move out?
How do you come up with security deposit charges?
When will I receive my Security Deposit?
Can you send my Security Deposit via Direct Deposit into my bank account?
What does it mean that I received an "estimated" security deposit?
What does this mean on my Move Out Accounting / Security Deposit Statement?
How can I dispute the security deposit charges?
Do I need to appear in court for my eviction hearing?
How do I dispose of large items like mattresses and unwanted appliances?
What is "Normal Wear and Tear"?
Applying to Rent (BOT)
Your Rights
Contact Support
Control Center
Self Service Tools
Resident Online Portal Overview
Resident Online Portal Overview (Spanish)
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Resident Portal
Applicants FAQ
Why rent a #RealHumboldt Home?
How do I see which properties are move in ready?
What does "Available TBD" followed by a month range mean?
How are rentals priced? Who sets the monthly rental rate?
What are your qualifications to rent?
What income sources can I provide to verify that I'm qualified?
How do I apply?
How do I attach documents to my application?
How do I request to pay a "Holding Deposit" to secure the property while m
Is your company Fair Housing compliant?
How do I schedule a showing?
How does the prequalification process work?
What is the best time to apply?
How does the application process work?
What is your policy for pets or emotional support animals or service animal
What does qualified, but not selected mean for my application?
Why is the application process so difficult?
Why won't you call me or text me?
Can you hold a property for me to rent later?
What if I need help to qualify? Will you allow me to have someone co-sign?
How do I apply with a Co-signer?
How do I reschedule my showing?
As a co-signer, what am I responsible for?
What is a Pet Admin Fee?
When can I visit the RPM office?
What if I paid my deposit, but no longer want to move in?
What are my payment options if I'm ready to move in immediately?
Do I have to attend a showing to move forward in the application process?
Is there an application fee?
Is it illegal to pretend to have a Service Animal?
Is it illegal to use someone else's social security number?
What does the background screening fee cover?
Can I provide my own credit report or score?
What would cause me to fail a background check?
How can I dispute the results of my background check?
What is the move-in cost?
How do I transfer utilities prior to move in?
Why was my application rejected?
What type of breed restrictions are there?
Do you work with bad credit situations?
Can I rent without a social security number?
Can you keep my number and call me when “this” type of a home is available?
Can I get a pet after the lease starts?
What if I need to move before my lease expires?
A friend will be living with me for just a little while...
What if I move in and there is a bug problem?
What about maintenance items or damages the day we move in or thereafter?
Do you accept Section 8 Housing vouchers?
Can I provide my own credit report or score?
Would you please destroy all the records you have in my file?
Why do you post ads on Craigslist if it's already rented?
Moving Resource Guide
Why is housing affordability so important to RPM?
How Do I Receive a Copy of My Background Screening Report?
How do I know if you need anything else or any other documents from me for
Can I meet with someone to go over why my application was denied?
Does the background screening you run hurt my credit?
Which utilities are included with the rent?
There was a smell or other maintenance request
Who are the neighbors?
Is crime an issue at the property? Is the neighborhood safe?
Apply Online
All Listings
Section 8
Pet Friendly
Single Family Homes
Multi-Family Homes
Attend a Showing
Pass Background and Credit Check
Sign Your Lease
Pay Rent & Deposit
Move In!
About Us
About RPM
Who is RPM?
What are the RPM Code of Values?
What is the story of our Vision?
What is RPM fighting for?
How do we contribute to our community?
What is RPM's sensitive information and privacy policy?
How can I contact someone at RPM?
What is the RPM Resident Benefits Package?
Why is there no opt-out for RBP?
Do you rent to Corporations (lease under Company Name)?
Move In
How do I pay first month's rent and security deposit?
What is prorated rent?
What is Citizen Home Solutions & What is a Utility Concierge?
Example CHS Security Offering
How do I transfer Utilities into my name?
How do I assume responsibility for water during my lease?
I've signed the Rental Agreement and paid the deposit, but can I move in ea
How do I get mail at my new home?
How can I transfer to a different property you manage?
Can we add or remove someone from our Rental Agreement?
What Happens To Security Deposit When There Is A Partial Notice To Vacate?
Why doesn't my lease last for exactly one year?
I've paid the deposit and signed a Rental Agreement, but can I cancel it?
Do you have recommendations for local movers? How do I.....?
How do I submit my Move In Evaluation / Property Condition Review?
I've just moved in, but now I want to move out, how do I do that?
What does it mean for me if the property I'm renting is "For Sale"?
What is a codebox and how does it work?
Resident Experience
How do I renew my lease?
How do I submit a neighbor complaint?
How do I request a pet?
How do I notify you that I have removed a pet or no longer have a pet?
How do I request approval to move in my ADA Service Animal?
Can I re-schedule an inspection of my unit that I received a notice for?
Who do I speak with regarding a concern within my unit?
Who do I speak with if my Landlord provided yard care is not being done?
Who do I speak with if the Landlord provided garbage is not being picked up
Who do I speak with regarding a violation or compliance notice I received?
What does it mean when I receive a "Notice to Perform Covenant" about house
Who do I speak with regarding a violation or compliance notice I received?
Can I hang stuff on my walls?
What do I do if there is a natural disaster?
Can I do maintenance on my residence and then bill you guys?
What do I do if I'm locked out?
You just started managing the home I live in - what do I do now?
Can I look at all the documents in my Tenant file?
Can I run a daycare in the rental property? Baby Sitting Day Care?
Mold Prevention Tips
Resident Benefits Package
If there is a death on the premises, why do need a Death Certificate?
What is CredHub
Rent & Payments
How do I pay rent?
When will I receive my rent reminder messages?
What should I do if I'm behind on rent?
Can I make a partial payment now and pay the rest off later?
Can I make a payment with a credit card? If I make a payment, can it be can
What is the Rent Collection Calendar & Eviction Process?
How do I access my Online Portal?
How do I update my contact information using my Online Portal?
How do I pay rent with cash?
How do I pay rent at CVS?
Why do I owe more rent money if I just moved in recently?
What does Tenant Liability Insurance cover?
Why did I receive an eviction notice in the mail after I paid my rent?
What is a "3 Day Notice to Pay or Quit" and how should I respond to receivi
Why am I still receiving Rent Collection Reminders if I have a payment plan
Why does my Tenant statement say I owe rent even though I paid my rent?
When exactly does the online payment come out of the bank account?
What is the prevailing residential utility rate?
What are the RPM Maintenance Policies?
My fridge / refrigerator has a problem, what do I do?
How do I submit a maintenance request?
How do I find out the status of my maintenance request?
How do I check my Smoke Detector and Carbon Monoxide detectors?
What do I do if there is a fire?
What do I do if I suspect there is mold?
Can I install a satellite dish?
Can I install security cameras?
How can I help reduce solid waste in Arcata?
Can I fly a U.S. Flag? Can I put a United States of America flag on a flag
Are flushable wipes flushable?
Move Out
How can RPM help if I can't live in my property?
How does the move-out process work?
How do I submit my notice of intent to vacate or notice of non-renewal?
Can I move out even though I'm on a Lease? (Lease Break)
I'm not ready to move out yet, can I extend my move out date?
Can I take back (cancel / rescind) my notice to vacate if I want to stay?
Why did I receive a 30, 60, or 90 day notice to vacate?
How do I turn in keys on the day of my move out?
How do you come up with security deposit charges?
When will I receive my Security Deposit?
Can you send my Security Deposit via Direct Deposit into my bank account?
What does it mean that I received an "estimated" security deposit?
What does this mean on my Move Out Accounting / Security Deposit Statement?
How can I dispute the security deposit charges?
Do I need to appear in court for my eviction hearing?
How do I dispose of large items like mattresses and unwanted appliances?
What is "Normal Wear and Tear"?
Applying to Rent (BOT)
Your Rights
Contact Support
Control Center
Self Service Tools
Resident Online Portal Overview
Resident Online Portal Overview (Spanish)
Log In
Applicants FAQ
Why rent a #RealHumboldt Home?
How do I see which properties are move in ready?
What does "Available TBD" followed by a month range mean?
How are rentals priced? Who sets the monthly rental rate?
What are your qualifications to rent?
What income sources can I provide to verify that I'm qualified?
How do I apply?
How do I attach documents to my application?
How do I request to pay a "Holding Deposit" to secure the property while m
Is your company Fair Housing compliant?
How do I schedule a showing?
How does the prequalification process work?
What is the best time to apply?
How does the application process work?
What is your policy for pets or emotional support animals or service animal
What does qualified, but not selected mean for my application?
Why is the application process so difficult?
Why won't you call me or text me?
Can you hold a property for me to rent later?
What if I need help to qualify? Will you allow me to have someone co-sign?
How do I apply with a Co-signer?
How do I reschedule my showing?
As a co-signer, what am I responsible for?
What is a Pet Admin Fee?
When can I visit the RPM office?
What if I paid my deposit, but no longer want to move in?
What are my payment options if I'm ready to move in immediately?
Do I have to attend a showing to move forward in the application process?
Is there an application fee?
Is it illegal to pretend to have a Service Animal?
Is it illegal to use someone else's social security number?
What does the background screening fee cover?
Can I provide my own credit report or score?
What would cause me to fail a background check?
How can I dispute the results of my background check?
What is the move-in cost?
How do I transfer utilities prior to move in?
Why was my application rejected?
What type of breed restrictions are there?
Do you work with bad credit situations?
Can I rent without a social security number?
Can you keep my number and call me when “this” type of a home is available?
Can I get a pet after the lease starts?
What if I need to move before my lease expires?
A friend will be living with me for just a little while...
What if I move in and there is a bug problem?
What about maintenance items or damages the day we move in or thereafter?
Do you accept Section 8 Housing vouchers?
Can I provide my own credit report or score?
Would you please destroy all the records you have in my file?
Why do you post ads on Craigslist if it's already rented?
Moving Resource Guide
Why is housing affordability so important to RPM?
How Do I Receive a Copy of My Background Screening Report?
How do I know if you need anything else or any other documents from me for
Can I meet with someone to go over why my application was denied?
Does the background screening you run hurt my credit?
Which utilities are included with the rent?
There was a smell or other maintenance request
Who are the neighbors?
Is crime an issue at the property? Is the neighborhood safe?
Apply Online
All Listings
Section 8
Pet Friendly
Single Family Homes
Multi-Family Homes
Attend a Showing
Pass Background and Credit Check
Sign Your Lease
Pay Rent & Deposit
Move In!
About Us
About RPM
Who is RPM?
What are the RPM Code of Values?
What is the story of our Vision?
What is RPM fighting for?
How do we contribute to our community?
What is RPM's sensitive information and privacy policy?
How can I contact someone at RPM?
What is the RPM Resident Benefits Package?
Why is there no opt-out for RBP?
Do you rent to Corporations (lease under Company Name)?
Move In
How do I pay first month's rent and security deposit?
What is prorated rent?
What is Citizen Home Solutions & What is a Utility Concierge?
Example CHS Security Offering
How do I transfer Utilities into my name?
How do I assume responsibility for water during my lease?
I've signed the Rental Agreement and paid the deposit, but can I move in ea
How do I get mail at my new home?
How can I transfer to a different property you manage?
Can we add or remove someone from our Rental Agreement?
What Happens To Security Deposit When There Is A Partial Notice To Vacate?
Why doesn't my lease last for exactly one year?
I've paid the deposit and signed a Rental Agreement, but can I cancel it?
Do you have recommendations for local movers? How do I.....?
How do I submit my Move In Evaluation / Property Condition Review?
I've just moved in, but now I want to move out, how do I do that?
What does it mean for me if the property I'm renting is "For Sale"?
What is a codebox and how does it work?
Resident Experience
How do I renew my lease?
How do I submit a neighbor complaint?
How do I request a pet?
How do I notify you that I have removed a pet or no longer have a pet?
How do I request approval to move in my ADA Service Animal?
Can I re-schedule an inspection of my unit that I received a notice for?
Who do I speak with regarding a concern within my unit?
Who do I speak with if my Landlord provided yard care is not being done?
Who do I speak with if the Landlord provided garbage is not being picked up
Who do I speak with regarding a violation or compliance notice I received?
What does it mean when I receive a "Notice to Perform Covenant" about house
Who do I speak with regarding a violation or compliance notice I received?
Can I hang stuff on my walls?
What do I do if there is a natural disaster?
Can I do maintenance on my residence and then bill you guys?
What do I do if I'm locked out?
You just started managing the home I live in - what do I do now?
Can I look at all the documents in my Tenant file?
Can I run a daycare in the rental property? Baby Sitting Day Care?
Mold Prevention Tips
Resident Benefits Package
If there is a death on the premises, why do need a Death Certificate?
What is CredHub
Rent & Payments
How do I pay rent?
When will I receive my rent reminder messages?
What should I do if I'm behind on rent?
Can I make a partial payment now and pay the rest off later?
Can I make a payment with a credit card? If I make a payment, can it be can
What is the Rent Collection Calendar & Eviction Process?
How do I access my Online Portal?
How do I update my contact information using my Online Portal?
How do I pay rent with cash?
How do I pay rent at CVS?
Why do I owe more rent money if I just moved in recently?
What does Tenant Liability Insurance cover?
Why did I receive an eviction notice in the mail after I paid my rent?
What is a "3 Day Notice to Pay or Quit" and how should I respond to receivi
Why am I still receiving Rent Collection Reminders if I have a payment plan
Why does my Tenant statement say I owe rent even though I paid my rent?
When exactly does the online payment come out of the bank account?
What is the prevailing residential utility rate?
What are the RPM Maintenance Policies?
My fridge / refrigerator has a problem, what do I do?
How do I submit a maintenance request?
How do I find out the status of my maintenance request?
How do I check my Smoke Detector and Carbon Monoxide detectors?
What do I do if there is a fire?
What do I do if I suspect there is mold?
Can I install a satellite dish?
Can I install security cameras?
How can I help reduce solid waste in Arcata?
Can I fly a U.S. Flag? Can I put a United States of America flag on a flag
Are flushable wipes flushable?
Move Out
How can RPM help if I can't live in my property?
How does the move-out process work?
How do I submit my notice of intent to vacate or notice of non-renewal?
Can I move out even though I'm on a Lease? (Lease Break)
I'm not ready to move out yet, can I extend my move out date?
Can I take back (cancel / rescind) my notice to vacate if I want to stay?
Why did I receive a 30, 60, or 90 day notice to vacate?
How do I turn in keys on the day of my move out?
How do you come up with security deposit charges?
When will I receive my Security Deposit?
Can you send my Security Deposit via Direct Deposit into my bank account?
What does it mean that I received an "estimated" security deposit?
What does this mean on my Move Out Accounting / Security Deposit Statement?
How can I dispute the security deposit charges?
Do I need to appear in court for my eviction hearing?
How do I dispose of large items like mattresses and unwanted appliances?
What is "Normal Wear and Tear"?
Applying to Rent (BOT)
Your Rights
Contact Support
Control Center
Self Service Tools
Resident Online Portal Overview
Resident Online Portal Overview (Spanish)
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Online Portal
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