Google Tips and Tricks

Laura DosSantos

Session 2: Google Tips and Tricks


This presentation will focus on the exploration of a variety of Google apps/add-ons/extensions, and tips and tricks specific to Google Apps for Education - classroom, sites, forms, calendar, docs, slides, etc. In addition to the introduction of ideas for how to make better or new use of the tools, there will be opportunity to share, explore and experiment with integrating these apps, tips and tricks into your classrooms and routines.


- Introduction: 5 minutes

- Overview of Google Apps for Education: 5-10 minutes

- Tips and Tricks for Apps: 10-15 minutes

- Add-ons & Extensions: 10-15 minutes

- Discussion and time for audience to explore, try out and personalize tips and tricks, and add-ons/extensions: 10-15 minutes

Presentation Resource(s):

Resource Links Document