
Brad Steigerwalt

Tweet Early! Tweet Often!

Twitter is everywhere. Celebrities, TV shows, journalists, and even politicians are using it. Maybe you have even scoffed when you have heard the word "Tweet" used by grown adults. In actuality, Twitter is an amazing resource that you can't avoid in your professional life and still reach your full potential. Twitter can be used to keep people informed about activities, find answers to questions, get news reports long before it hits the TV, get new classroom/lesson plan ideas, hold asynchronous or synchronous discussions, keep a class log, get more out of any conference, or even showcase your classroom activities. Through Twitter Chats you can stay in touch with communities (even your fellow KTIs!). And when you add in Twitter Clients and embedding tricks, you can up your Twitter game to a whole new level. Although Twitter can have a learning curve at first, we will ease you into this amazing resource and help you navigate some areas where people can get confused.

This class is intended for anyone who is interested in Twitter and maybe getting their beak wet. This should teach you everything you need to get started as well as offer some resources if you know the basics of Twitter and want to streamline the process.


Google Slides Twitter Presentation

Today's Meet Backchannel


Cybraryman's list of Twitter Ed Chats


Techweez Article:5 Best Android Twitter Clients

If This Then That

If This Then That Social Media Recipes


Twitter Acronyms

#KTI2016 Tweets