Goals for this session:

- Give you strategies for using tools that you may already use (or have learned about).

- Show some new tools and strategies to help you start building an online community.

Essential Question(s) –

- Why do I want to/need to create an online presence for my classroom?

- Where do I start?

Teacher Centered Strategies

    • teacher controlled - I use wikispaces, but can be anything...



    • Don't overplan...keep it simple
    • Commit to using it regularly

    • Use to keep parents updated...

Student Centered Strategies

    • Students have editorial access
    • Collaborative projects -
    • Chat -
      • CBox is an embedded chat box.
    • I have it on a PRIVATE page so only my students, who are members of the wiki, can access it.

    • my is hosted privately, but can be done via edublogs.

More Project Samples -

Resources –

**Small Group D**- This is my wiki sandbox for our small group...