Cohort 2


Empower students to take ownership of their learning, so that they love learning and exploring


Teachers and students


Increase opportunities to make real world connections through a culture of self-directed learning


Find motivational and fun tools to encourage the desire for self-directed learning.

Research avenues to match student interests with curricular goals

Find a LMS (Learning Management System) that will help students and teachers work smarter not harder

Cohort Name

Erika Hanes, Mike Hladio, Deana Raymer, Sharon Baillie, Kerin Steigerwalt, Nichelle Haley

Our story. . .

From a group of individuals who didn't really "fit" with anyone else, and therefor fit with each other, we have become a cohesive group. It wasn't always an easy road, and our destination was murky for a while. We struggled, we stumbled, and then. . . then. . . our group member Nichelle found our voice by saying to us "If they value the destination they will find an avenue, if they like the avenue they will travel it..."

The rest is history, and here's what we decided you need to know:

4 Pillars:

Advocate: It is up to us to advocate for our students' ability to learn at their own pace and in a way that is interesting and valuable to them. We need to be their best cheerleaders and supporters, and not let them feel the pressure of standardization that we do. We have the ability to make their experience in our classroom pleasant or not - we MUST advocate for their right to find their own avenue.

Develop: On the first day, develop a culture of possibilities, not a list of what not to do

Lead: Lead by example, sharing the paths we've taken, encouraging through twists and turns, walking along side of them through the roadblocks we find

Connect: Students to make connections to the content by matching interests, connecting students to the wider world through publication of work in a meaningful way - an audience that values the work is much more motivating than a grade

Culture of classroom where students can find resources to enhance their own learning.

Critical skills that they need - we need to give them enough direct instruction that they know what they need to know to do what they need to do

Empower students to learn: utilizing multiple pathways, combinations of learning opportunities by having student choice(online, flipped, teacher in person, etc...), have outside learning opportunities(not confined to the normal school day)...The name of the game is we want learning to take place anytime and anywhere because the students are choosing to do it.

There is no end to our learning process as teachers, so our curriculum cannot be static either; therefore student learning cannot be static. Curriculum needs to go beyond the textbook.(


  • We need to get out of the "mother may I" mentality - students should know that we will support them in their learning, not stop them from going in the direction they want.
  • Gym analogy - Everyone doesn't do the same thing, but everyone sweats. (Differentiation, customized learning)