OneNote: The Ultimate Classroom Tool

OneNote - The ULTIMATE Classroom Tool

Room 202

Note to Participants - Please create a FREE account at and download OneNote from before attending this session if possible!


Dianne Krause


Come to learn why Microsoft OneNote is the ULTIMATE classroom tool! With Microsoft OneNote, you can create digital notebooks that support academic standards and education outcomes across disciplines and tasks, such as writing, reading, mathematics, science, history, CTE, and elective courses. Students may use OneNote across content areas and grade levels, and use OneNote to compile and organize unstructured information, research, and content. OneNote also supports research, collaboration, information management, communication, note taking, journaling, reflective writing, and academic requirements.

Audience, Devices & Software

  • K-12, all subjects, all teachers
  • Any device - tablets, laptops, desktops, phones
  • You can download OneNote for your device at



  • Intro to session
  • Creating a OneDrive account
  • OneNote overview - Anatomy, organization, creating, editing, uploading, sharing
  • OneNote features - Ribbons, inserting (everything), searching, translating
  • OneNote in the Classroom - Collaborative projects, interactive textbooks, lesson planning, school-wide uses
  • Wrap-up

Presentation Slides