Small/Large Group Meetings

Steve Sassaman

Throughout his career as an educator, Steve has served in teaching, coaching, administration and staff development. As Vice President (Mid-Atlantic Region) of Performance Learning Systems, Steve delivers keynote addresses, staff development training and coaching assistance for teachers in their classrooms. Steve has conducted professional development in Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Indiana, Missouri, Minnesota, West Virginia, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Canada. He has also worked with educators from West Africa and has presented workshops at national and state staff development and administration conferences. For ten years (1993-2003) Steve has served as lead consultant, designing, programming and developing training for the New Teacher/Mentor Program through Delaware State Department of Education for all Delaware school districts.

Steve instructs graduate education courses and enjoys working with teachers at all grade levels. He is passionate about the power teachers possess to influence students. Those who have taken his trainings find Steve to be a fun and enthusiastic, as well as informative presenter.

Leading From The Middle SASSMAN FROM KTI 09.ppt

Dr. Diane Reed - CaseNEX - Using Case Studies for Dynamic Professional Development

Microsoft, as part of its Partners in Learning Program, elected to do case studies in order to create a body of work to support professional development and growth for educators across the country. In collaboration with CaseNEX, a series of 16 case studies have been developed and are ready for use, free of charge, for all educators. Each case study contains video of unique issues, perspectives, and actions related to technology and high school reform. In today's schools, teachers and leaders must have the knowledge to promote 21st-Century teaching and learning. These case studies and professional development modules provide flexible options for schools and districts focusing on 21st-century learning, through classroom technology use and school-wide reform. This inter-active session will introduce participants to these cases studies and modules and introduce the CaseNEX problem solving model. Participants will discuss in groups how they can use these materials in their own schools.

BIO: DR. DIANE REED - developed her classroom and central office experience in Fairfax County Virginia where she was an Instructional Technology Specialist in the Department of Instruction for 6 years and she was a High School teacher for 19 years. While in Fairfax County Public Schools she managed the K12nects Project, a public-private partnership to increase student achievement with technology integration. From 1999 thru 2001, she was loaned to the U. S. Department of Education as the Technology Teacher in Residence in the Office of Education Technology. Dr. Reed holds a Ph.D. in Education Evaluation from the University of Virginia. Her dissertation is entitled. “Systemic Technology Infusion: Effects on Teachers and Students.” With CaseNEX since 2002 she is Vice-President, Mid Atlantic. CaseNEX offers professional development courses for educators using the case method. Founded at the University of Virginia’s Curry School of Education, CaseNEX supports educators through an online, case-based approach. As project manager for the Microsoft Partners in Learning Project: Pennsylvania, Dr. Reed steered the development of these case studies and course modules for Microsoft. Dr. Reed is also Chairman of the Board of TTEC//DC (Technology Transforming Education Compact), a foundation dedicated to helping the schools of the District of Columbia with technology.

Dr. Regina Palubinsky - SAS

Dr. Regina Palubinsky is a Special Assistant to the Pennsylvania Secretary of Education in Harrisburg, PA. Regina is also a graduate instructor and staff development provider for school districts, universities, and businesses. Educationally, Regina received a BS degree in Elementary Education; a MS degree in Special Education and Supervisory Certification; a MS degree in Educational Administration and Elementary and Secondary Principal Certification, and a Doctorate degree in Educational Administration and School Leadership. She holds certification in the areas of Elementary Education, Special Education, Reading Specialist, Elementary Principal, Secondary Principal, Supervisor of Special Education, Intermediate Unit Executive Director, and Superintendent., as well as certification in Applied Behavior Analysis. Dr. Palubinsky has been a classroom teacher in high school, middle school, and elementary in both regular and special education, as well as an educator of adult learners in diverse settings. She has held administrative positions at the building, district, intermediate unit, and state level. Regina has presented both locally and nationally on educational topics, including leadership, data-informed decision making, motivation, classroom management, effective instructional practices, inclusion, and effective communication.