Using iPads for Formative Assessments

Title: Using iPads for Formative Assessment

Tuesday at 11:05 a.m.

Room 103


Ann Noonen and Rosie Parmigiani

Note to participants: If possible, please download the free apps being highlighted in this session (Real Chalkboard, Socrative Student, and Socrative Teacher).


Participants will leave today's session with ideas on using the iPad to support formative assessment strategies

Outline of Presentation:



Using Real Chalkboard as a formative assessment tool

  • Mini-whiteboard
  • Venn Diagram
  • Doodle it

Using Postale as a formative assessment tool

  • Send a postcard

Using Socrative as a formative assessment tool

Using Kahoot as a formative assessment tool

Using screencasting for formative assessment

  • 3-2-1 Exit Ticket
    • 3 things I learned
    • 2 things I found interesting
    • 1 question that I still have


iPads only


Real Chalkboard - iPad - free

Postale - iPad - $1.99

Socrative -

Kahoot – Web-based – free