Flipped Classrooms: Changing Spaces and Changing Places
Shai McGowan, State College Area School District@slm12
Rachelle Dene Poth, Riverview School District, Oakmont
Blog: www.rdene915.com
What does it mean to "Flip the Classroom?" Respond on Answer Garden https://answergarden.ch/508797
Backchannel Discussion
Presentation Flipping
Check out this short video on flipping the classroom.
- The Flipped Learning Network
- ISTE Resources on Flipped Learning
- 54 Flipped Classroom Tools via Teach Thought
- Common Sense Education Best Apps and Tools
The goals of this session are to:
- Define "flipped classrooms"
- Introduce you to two teachers that currently flip their high school classrooms
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of flipping a classroom
- Share strategies for flipping and how to get started
- Explain and explore some digital tools for flipping
- Provide resources to help you flip
Some tools for flipping the classroom
Twitter Chats
#flipclass - Every Monday 8-9PM EST
#flipblogs- Every other Wednesday, 8PM EST (next one is Aug. 2)
#formativechat - Every Monday 7:30- 8PM EST
Flipping with Kirch- http://flippingwithkirch.blogspot.com/
John Bergman - http://www.jonbergmann.com/blog/
Flip Your Classroom: Reach every student in every class every day by Bergmann and Sams
Flipping 2.0: Practical Strategies for Flipping Your Class by Bretzman, et al.
Flipped Learning: A guide for Higher Ed by Robert Talbert, foreword bt Jon Bergmann
Some resources on Blended Learning
Blended Learning: Christensen InstitutePractices for expanding a Blended Learning InitiativeBlended Learning in Action by Catlin R. Tucker, Tiffany Wycoff & Jason T. Green, chapter 11 "The Flipped Classroom"