Cohort 8

P = Plan a new project

A = Advocate for student choice

S = Student chooses own pathway

S = Swiss army knife

I = Ignite curiosity by developing inquiry-based learning

O = Own the learning

N = New paths, new learning


To develop passionate, growth minded teachers who create opportunities and pathways to learning that foster fully invested students who take ownership of their individual and collective learning.

We need students to be confident to make choices in their learning and unafraid to venture into lesser known areas outside the comfort zone of their mind to explore new ideas. It is our challenge to provide them with the skills and tools to guide their independent pursuits on a lifetime journey of exploration and curiosity. We want to cultivate an environment where they dig more deeply into topics than we could ever require through rubrics and extrinsic means. Their motivation must drive their effort, so we teachers can be liberated to step back and support their exploration.

Choices for students:

iMovie, Thinglink, Educreations, Blabberize, ChatterPix, Adobe Voice, Google doc, wiki, blog, Zooburst, green screen, Touchcast, Padlet, Shadow Puppet, Puppet Pals, voicethread, skitch, Digital stories, create a song, infographic, powtoon, and more!