Introduction to Blended Learning

Presenters: Jason Heiser, Mark James, Scott Snyder


Sometimes it is hard to admit that school just isn't for everyone, students just aren't motivated to learn, or students are bored in our classrooms.10 years ago even 5 years ago reaching and teaching these young people was a challenge even for the most seasoned professionals. All this has begun to change and in a big way! In this day and age we have an advantage to the teachers of recent yesteryear, we have better technology and services to reach and teach these unchallenged, unmotivated, and bored students. In this session, we will be looking at the different models of blended learning, give examples, and discuss technologies that can and are being used to reach and teach these students.


Anyone k-12


None, just empty your thought lockers as we will be packing it full of information

Outline of Presentation:


Driving Question

Models of Blended

Technologies to aid/guide students in this environment



Introduction to blended learning.pptx

Presentation slides: Feel free to download, use, reference. Thanks for coming!

Suggested Process:

1. Answer: What is the goal? What do you want students to learn?

2. Get a team

3. Plan/Research (what will students need to know? What standards will be addressed? What technology, hardware, is necessary?)

4.Technology (services, software) to make the blended environment work