Get Creative with Digital Portfolios
Title: Teachers Building Digital Portfolios
Room: 201
Presenter: Christine DiPaulo
School: String Theory Schools
Position: Innovation Specialist
Twitter: @ckdipaulo
Since I began my teaching career in 2005, I have built a teaching portfolio every year. I also lead and teach a student portfolio initiative where every student creates a digital portfolio as part of their graduation project. My digital portfolios have been used as part of my teacher evaluations to showcase the work I have accomplished each year. Every teacher can build and showcase their incredible talents and inspire others with the work they are doing by creating a shared experience. In this session participants will build a professional portfolio using Google Sites.
Outline of Presentation:
Introduction (5 min)
Overview of Google Sites (10 min)
Sample Portfolio (5 Min)
Maker Session: Designing a Digital Portfolio (30 min)
Wrap Up and Q&A (10 min)
Portfolio Guide:
iAm a Brand Called Me Student Sample Site
Teacher Sample Portfolio