Connect, Communicate & Collaborate with Office 365


Dianne Krause


Not only does Office 365 allow you to store, share, create and edit documents online, but it also allows for many different types of online collaboration. This session will focus on how to use the tools and resources within 0365 for connecting, communication and collaboration with colleagues and students. Tools and resources include Office Online & OneDrive, OneNote & OneNote Class Notebooks, Sway, Video, Office Forms, and more.

Audience & Devices

  • K-12, all subjects, all teachers
  • Any device - Office 365 is accessible to all platforms - tablets, laptops, desktops, phones
  • Some content shown is specific to the Office desktop software, which would be laptop or desktop-only.


  • Intro to session
  • Office 365 Overview
  • The Waffle
  • Office Online & OneDrive
  • OneNote & OneNote Class Notebooks
  • Microsoft Forms
  • Other Apps - Sway, Mix, Video, Delve, Yammer
  • Wrap-Up & Q&A



DID YOU KNOW?? All students and teachers can get Office 365 for FREE, even if your district does not have it! Check to see if you are eligible at this link: