Leading with iPads

Presenters: Brooke Mulartrick (@brookem1015)

Description: Do you have an iPad initiative in your school? Are you anticipating or influencing an iPad initiative? Let's discuss what makes a good "technology initiative." We'll talk vision, branding, opportunities and challenges. Leave with ideas that can be implemented at the classroom level or district level.

Audience: Anyone who wants to discuss schoolwide initiatives related to iPads

Devices: Bring a device that can access the internet :)

Outline of Presentation:

  • Collect data on different types of iPad initiatives amongst attendees
  • Look for trends in data regarding goals for iPad initiatives
  • Work in small groups to create a roadmap for a new iPad initiative to gain experience in leading the decision-making process
  • Share out roadmaps to the whole group


Presentation link

Top 20 things NOT to do in a 1:1 iPad initiative

Why (not HOW) We Should Use iPads in Education

If You Meet An iPad on the Way, SMASH It

The LAUSD iPad Initiative - 5 Critical Technology Integration Lessons


Jamie Brown @brojami

Tammi Costello

Erika Hanes @ehanes23

steve mrosko

Cristi N. Veiga

Jenny Goswick @JennyGoswick

Lydia Keller @keller_lydia

KTI Leading with iPads