Keynote Directory

Dr. Christopher Moersch (AKA - The LoTi Guy)

Dr. Chris Moersch, founder of the internationally-recognized and research-based LoTi Framework and author of numerous publications including Beyond Hardware: Using Higher Order Thinking to Promote Effective Technology Use is available for district, regional, and national speaking engagements. Dr. Moersch’s public speaking at national and regional conferences including NECC, GaTEC, Classroom Connect, METC, TCEA, and California C.U.E. offer the audience an engaging and provocative insight into the world of instructional leadership, digital-age learning, and continuous improvement. He has served as a featured or keynote speaker at over 75 regional and national conferences.

Dr. Chris Moersch's Levels of Teaching Innovation (LoTi) program is an international research-based school improvement model designed to harness the power of existing state and district initiatives into one united effort designed to promote H.E.A.T. (i.e., Higher order thinking, Engaged learning, Authentic connections, Technology use) in student learning according to the National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S) and 21st Century Skills. The LoTi implementation model focuses on the delicate balance between instruction, assessment, and the effective use of the available digital resources to increase the amount of H.E.A.T. while simultaneously improving student academic progress.

For the past 15 years, Dr. Chris Moersch has been the principal investigator of the LoTi project and Executive Director of LoTi Connection, Inc. In that capacity, he has worked with thousands of educators nationwide promoting the tenets of digital-age literacy and professional development in an effort to transform low performing schools into high performing schools. He has over 20 years experience in the areas of curriculum development, program evaluation, and technology integration practices. His specialization includes promoting school improvement initiatives, creating 21st Century Learning environments using EBAM (Experiential-based Action Model), and facilitating administrator institutes.

Internet Safety - Janene Holter, Attorney General’s Office

Janene Holter, a senior supervisory special agent for the state Attorney General's Office.

Agent Holter has investigated multiple cases involving cyber-predators as well as cases of cyberbullying in Pennsylvania and surrounding states. She understands the peril the Internet can present to youth and is passionate about students and parents becoming more savvy surrounding safe use of the Internet.