Moodle for the Masses

Jason Heiser

Dwight Woodley

Moodle is a fantastic course management system that allows teachers and students the ability to do course work on line in a safe and secure environment. During the session participants will have the opportunity to see how the various tools in Moodle can be used to differentiate instruction, created collaborative learning opportunities, assessments, and encourage students to think critically while using this very diverse tool. Participants will have the opportunity to see the individual tools in various applications of Moodle as well as see examples of how they are used in fostering critical and higher order thinking activities in both a high and low tech equipped environments. Each attendee will have a chance to work with these tools as a student and then set up activities that will deepen the students’ knowledge of course content. Additionally, we will look at how Moodle can be used to increase student’s class participation to 100%. For setting up their own Moodle classroom we will be using the free Global Classrooms service.

Date 7/28

Session Time: 9:50-11:20

Location: Cole 120


In this session, participants will have the opportunity to see how Moodle can be integrated into the classroom without having a local Moodle server. Additionally, participants will see how various tools can be used in Moodle to aid with differentiated instruction, create collaborative learning opportunities, assessments, and encourage greater participation.


Participants will be able to:

1. Create a Moodle Course

2. Create relevant content on a Moodle course which promote higher order thinking and makes ties to Differentiated Instruction

Content of Session:

- Links to Marzano

- Show example of Moodle course (show programs and files that work in Moodle)

- Do assignment using aspects of Moodle system

- Set up own Moodle course

- Wrap-up


Global Classroom - service offers free hosting of Moodle classrooms. Simply sign-up and you can register for any of the free and fee classes offered through the service.

Moodle Book - click this link to see a free book on how to use Moodle. Book is provided by which is the authority on everything relating to Moodle. At this link you can find plu-ins (for your own Moodle server) and help from anyone of a number of experts..

Moodle For The Masses