

EdCamp are gatherings of educators who organically plan - on the spot - sessions for attendees. The agenda is created as participants wish to engage with other educators about their chosen topics or passions. Session are not necessarily presentations, but rather can be discussions, exemplars, or birds of a feather type sessions. You can attend a session and participate in the discussion fully as you have much to offer or you might attend a session in order to gain more information and ask great questions to keep the conversation moving.

At KTI Summit

Attendees of the Summit will be asked to consider what session or topic they would like to offer, facilitate, or be a part of and write those topics on sticky notes. Once the sticky notes are up, the KTI Staff will gather like topics and create sessions based on those ideas. Each session will be assigned a room and participants will attend the session of their choosing.

Vote with your feet:

The general rule of EdCamp is that you are not locked into a session. If a particular session is not meeting your needs - get up and go to another. No one will be offended.


  • Come with ideas that you might want to offer or that you want to be part of
  • Take a photo of the finished session board so you know where to go for session 1 & 2
    • We will also post photos of the board on this page of the wiki
  • Have a great time, be open minded, share.