Reimagining Tech Integration

Reimagining Tech Integration

Room 202


Catherine Laguna and Ben Smith


Tech integration isn't about learning to use technology, it's about using technology to learn! In this session we will explore ways that technology can be used to maximize learning in the classroom. Applying what we know about how the brain learns, we will integrate technology into a classroom lesson to create curiosity, reduce stress, and provide a safe environment for learning. Effective tech integration can help lay the ground work for a great learning experience for your students no matter what subject you are teaching!

Outline of Presentation

  • We will begin with a Smart Notebook lesson to emphasize the goals of brain-based learning.
  • Next we will explore examples of the many ways technology can be integrated into the class routine.
  • Finally, we will reimagine one of our own lessons and how technology could be used to create curiosity, reduce stress, and/or make a safer learning environment.


Presentation Wiki for Reimagining Tech Integration