Tech It Up

Jason Heiser

Jana Baxter

Date: 7/30

Session Time: 1:10-2:40

Location: Cole 119


During this presentation I want to take participants current lesson plans and incorporate simple activities using familiar (technologies familiar to the audience) and emerging technologies (seen during the week). We will be looking at how these technologies can be integrated into high tech and low tech environments. In this session, we’ll be breathing some new life into old technologies like PPT, whiteboards, etc… and look at how teachers and students can use the emerging technologies, like Web 2.0 and others that will be presented, in the classroom to bring a level of interactivity and deepen understanding of course content. Participants will be given templates and guides with ideas for how teachers have and can use them in the classroom.


Participants will be able to:

1. Bring new life to old programs like ppt and interactive whiteboards

2. Generate ideas for implementing new technologies learning at the conference this week

Content of Session:

- Links to Marzano

- Show example of interactive PPT and ideas for whiteboards

- Demonstration and hands on

- Look at new technologies of interest to group from Summit and do small group work

- Wrap-up