Intro to Flipped Learning

Title: Intro to Flipped Learning

Room: 200

Presenters: Drew Giorgi, Tom McLaughlin, Mary Schwander & Kevin Elvey


Flipping the classroom is a hot topic in education in general, but it gets supercharged when the right technology is introduced. The presentation includes an overview of how the approach has been integrated into New Hope-Solebury High School, the role of technology training, and tools for flipping in a variety of subjects including English, math, social studies, and library.


7-12, All subjects, All teachers


PC, Mac, smart phones, and tablets (including iPads, Win 8, and Android)

Outline of Presentation:

  1. The History behind Flipping the Classroom
  2. Overview of the evolution of New Hope-Solebury’s technology plan and Flipping
  3. Flipping approaches and samples used in math
  4. Flipping approaches and samples used in English
  5. Flipping approaches and samples used in the library
  6. Flipping approaches and samples used in social studies
  7. Reflections, questions, and idea sharing


Introduction to Flipped Learning (Presentation with links)