Flip, Blend, Mix, and Sway!

Presenter & Assistants

Dianne Krause


Are you ready to Mix and Sway?? Collaboration, communication, creation and critical thinking are all part of today's educational landscape. In today's classrooms of flipping, blending and creating differentiated learning activities teachers are in need of technology tools that are easy to use, effective and engaging to students. Office Mix and Sway are two innovative resources that can be used by both teachers and students for content delivery, demonstration of learning, assessment, project collaboration, publishing writing and more. Come to this session to learn more about these two awesome tools for the 21st century classroom.

Audience & Devices

  • K-12, all subjects, all teachers
  • Any device - tablets, laptops, desktops, phones


  • Intro to session
  • Office Mix Overview
  • Office Mix Examples & Analytics
  • Sway Overview
  • Sway Examples
  • Exploration & Experimentation (if time)
  • Q & A and Wrap-up
