Second Week

During literacy, we have been learning about the Library Workstation, and today, we practiced Read to Self throughout the classroom.  We used our book bins and classroom library books to practice.  They did a great job finding places to read!

We started the day by using our math trays to work with the numbers 1-5.  We practiced identifying the numbers and making groups to match.  We continued to practice Read to Self throughout the classroom.  We unscrambled our names and put our letters in order, and they drew a picture of themselves.  I began assessing them on their capital and lowercase letters, letter sounds, and numbers.  They are doing a great job showing me what they know!

Today, we learned about the Writing Workstation.  We practiced writing words we found around the classroom on whiteboards.  We continued to practice Read to Self.  We read It Looked Like Spilt Milk and created our very own cloud paintings, which will be made into a class book.  They loved painting their creations!  To end the day, we had playtime.

It was a beautiful day to play outside!  We continued to practice Read to Self and Work on Writing.  We read the book 'We're All Wonders', and we drew a picture about what made us special.  Take a look at their drawings below! We shared our 'All About Me' bags and learned SO much about our friends! 

We had a great Picture Day!