Fifth Week

Marvin earned a positive office referral and was able to sit at his own cafeteria table with his friends! This week is all about apples! We enjoyed learning, and exploring, our new Daily 5 Choice: Word Work. For writing, we tasted apple bread, which we loved, and wrote the ingredients we thought were in the bread. This choice allows students to work with letters and words to build their foundational reading and writing skills. To end the day, we learned about math choices, and they enjoyed exploring them!

In math, we worked with the numbers 1-10 and practiced making arrangements. They worked to copy how their table partner arranged their colored squares. We continue to practice our Daily 5 Choices: Read to Self, Work on Writing, and Word Work.

In math, we created an apple tree by tracing our hands and using it for the trunk and branches. They had to put 10 apples on their tree using the colors red, green, and yellow. They continue to work hard during Daily 5 Choices! To end the day, we made an apple core project. We also added labels to identify the different parts of an apple.

In math, we worked with unifex cubes to create patterns, and they were able to play with them too! We also learned about 'Number Corner' which will help reinforce math concepts throughout the year. We will do this daily, and we now have new math tools on our bulletin board.

For snack, we tried apple cider and mini apples pies (made with apples and crescent rolls). They were very excited to try both! We ended the week working hard with our Daily 5 Choices. We taste tested red, yellow, and green apples and made a graph to show which was our favorite. The majority of the class liked red apples the best! To end the day, we created a caramel apple project which will be on display between the kindergarten rooms. Our apple core project joined our acorns in the hallway.

Number Corner