Fourth Week

This week we are learning about insects and butterflies. Today, our caterpillars came, and we will be watching them as they change into butterflies. We are SO excited and cannot wait to see how they change! To end the day, we created a ladybug craft.

Today, we created a butterfly and focused on making the wing design symmetrical. They did a great job creating these beautiful butterflies!

In math, we practiced creating teens numbers. Everyone wrote a teen number on a piece of paper, crumpled it up, and threw it into the middle of the carpet. We then picked out teen numbers to build with ten-frames, ten sticks and ones cubes, or draw on whiteboards. This allowed them to choose what tool worked best for them in making teen numbers! They did a great job!

Today, we created a 'Camping Kid' for the shared bulletin board in the hallway. We also wrote our favorite thing to do in the summer to go along with it. James celebrated his birthday by having a special lunch with his friends.