Fourth Week

Everest celebrated her birthday by having lunch with her friends at the café tables.  This week we are learning about insects and butterflies.  Today, our caterpillars came, and we will be watching them as they change into butterflies.  We are SO excited and cannot wait to see how they change!

Today, we created a butterfly and focused on making the wing design symmetrical.  They did a great job creating these beautiful butterflies!  Our caterpillars are getting bigger each day, and it is amazing to watch how fast they grow in a short amount of time!

We earned our last Monster piece, and we decided our ice cream treat will be sundaes!  We will enjoy those sometime next week.  To end the year, we are going to work on staying focused and getting our work done!  We have lots of learning left to do, and if we can stay focused, we will earn a movie.

This morning we made our very own ladybugs!  It is amazing how much our caterpillars have grown in a week!  We learned their only job is to eat and eat and eat!