Fifth Week

Miles earned a Positive Office Referral and sat at the black table with his friends. Way to go! We learned about another kindergarten friend, Gavin. We finished our Penguin Pals by adding the snow background. We used white paint and Q-tips as our 'paintbrushes'. They turned out great!

In math, we worked with the numbers 11-20. We used base ten sticks and blocks to create each of the numbers. This activity helped us to see teen numbers as tens and extra ones. Our Penguin Pals are now decorating the hallways!

Today, we created our Valentine's Mailboxes, which will go on the shared kindergarten bulletin board. They wrote about things they loved to go inside the mailbox, so we will be sending lots of love in February. We also earned a Big Paw, which means we will be having a class celebration!

We ended the week with our Second Grade Book Buddies!