First Week

We were SO excited to be back today!  We started the morning by having a PAWS Pride assembly and refreshing the PAWS Pride rules.  Cadence celebrated her birthday by having lunch with her friends at the café tables.  We talked about New Year's Resolutions/Goals, and each kindergartener wrote how they were going to 'Knock Your Socks' off this year.  They were SO excited to write about the amazing things they want to accomplish this year!  Check them out below!  We also began creating a 'Winter Kid' craft.  For this craft, we also wrote about what we like to do in winter.

Today, we completed another 'Winter Kid' craft.

We had a special guest reader, Mrs. Schmidt, the district literacy coach.  She modeled an interactive read aloud to help build our literacy skills.  We learned about another kindergarten friend, Everest.  Our winter crafts are decorating the hallway!

We reviewed our PAWS Pride expectations in the different places we visit at school.